Is it possible to do Inbound Marketing in WordPress? Get to know the plugins

You use WordPress but don't have the tools that allow you to automate your marketing efforts. Get to know the plugins for Inbound Marketing.

We also know that many of you use WordPress, that you love it but recognize the limitations it has when it comes to performing some automated online marketing tasks. Fortunately, the Internet provides us with a series of tools that facilitate our work. Therefore, we bring you the plugins that you should use for Inbound Marketing.


1. Web optimization.

SEO is the process of improving the web to attract more visitors from search engines. Since today we access the Internet for everything, it is necessary to define what buyer personas are looking for.
buyer persona
(potential guests) in order to make sure they find your hotel’s website.

WordPress is a CMS that integrates a large number of plugins, widgets and themes with which to structure a website that meets all the requirements for Inbound marketing. For example,

Yoast SEO

is a plugin that allows you to improve all technical aspects of SEO on Page and import functionalities from other plugins. 


2. Content optimization.

One of the most important techniques in the Attraction phase is to research well the keywords that the buyer persona would search for according to the stage of the
traveler’s journey
(Dreaming, Planning, Booking and Experiencing) in which they might find themselves.

Once these buyer personas have been defined, the following can be used to plan the appropriate content at each stage


a quick keyword research tool that in its free version allows you to analyze keyword rankings.

To search for alternatives and take into account the trends in the travel industry, plugins such as

SEO Squirrly

also allow you to evaluate whether the keyword is worthwhile while optimizing your copy by tracking all the necessary aspects of your content marketing strategy.

travel journey-06-1.png 


3. Social networking. 

Content is as important as distribution. Therefore, as much time must be devoted to promoting it as to creating it. Social networks make it possible to deliver the right content at the moment when users need it, maximizing its useful life and promoting the web.

For your website, plugins such as

Mash Sharer

would allow users to share content that is important to them. You already know that social networks are fundamental as part of a hotel’s customer service to solve their doubts and encourage them to share their experience with other users.

As you can see, there is no doubt that Facebook, Twitter or Instagram (among other social networks) are the perfect way to reach your potential guests or to keep in touch and build customer loyalty. And because they are essential, we have dedicated a publication to
the right tools to automate the content on each platform.


1. Call-to-action.

A call to action is an eye-catching button that offers content of value to the potential guest. CTAs are the first tool used in the Conversion stage, with the purpose of convert visitors into leadsTherefore, it is essential that they are eye-catching and the Pro version of


allows you to create and customize these buttons on the web.

These call-to-actions can be found on the web pages, but they are fundamental in the blog entries offering guides, manuals and other downloadable items of interest. In addition, ideally, call-to-actions redirect the user to a specific landing page with information about the downloadable.

2. Landing pages and forms.

Getting information about visitors through the forms they fill out allows you to build relationships with sales opportunities (leads), so that the sales team can focus on the contacts that are more qualified and more likely to book.

Traditionally, we have found forms on unexpected web pages. But to avoid this intrusiveness, we can use specific landing pages, which are accessed voluntarily by clicking on CTAs.

Inbound Now

among other applications, allows you to create such pages, and can also be used with third-party tools. 



It is crucial to keep track of the activity of the leads that have been obtained. Having a database of all contacts will allow you to optimize future interactions more effectively, in order to keep moving potential travelers to the Booking stage.

Therefore, the best tool to include from this point on is the CRM, a Relationship Management System, which will allow your hotel’s marketing and sales team to manage the content and communication that converts your leads.

In addition to Inbound Now,


would allow you to significantly improve user management, easily create contact forms and track inbound messages.

2. Email Marketing.

Email, whose best attribute is its versatility, allows you to personalize and create specific messages for each segment that receives it. One of the most popular plugins in this field for its applications is


which allows you to create email marketing campaigns.

Within an Inbound Methodology, email marketing can be used to implement an automated Lead Nurturing strategy, whose objective is to increase qualified leads, improving conversion and shortening the decision process before booking. Another of its uses is the loyalty of existing customers, since it is easier to get repeat customers than new ones.


Analysis is an intrinsic part of all phases of Inbound Marketing, so it is not really just another stage, but a step to be taken into account in every action that is implemented based on the objectives to be achieved. In addition to Google Analytics, to maintain a healthy website, you can also use the Broken Link Checker plugin that allows you to identify if there are broken links that can harm the SEO of the website.


Finally, we wanted to talk about the tool for WordPress

Inbound Brew

whose paid version has a whole series of features to implement the Inbound methodology. You’ll think it’s great for WordPress, but if it’s a question of price, you can’t forget about HubSpot, which in this case would get the Oscar.

One way or another, you should think that if these are tools recognized for their efficiency and that they would be useful in each of the methodology stages, the automation work is not everything. Because before using the right tool, it is necessary to know why we are going to use it.



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