Marketing automation. Save time, increase sales.

Marketing automation will help us save time, money and increase conversions.

Then they understood that there was no point in training so hard to be the fastest. A pair of slippers made all the difference. If they were shod, they were unreachable. But you might be thinking, what does this story have to do with online marketing automation? Very simple. This legend proves that a tool, whether it’s sneakers or marketing technology, can help us to be better and stand out from the rest…

Start the year with new resolutions that will make you grow. Marketing technology and, in particular, process automation will help us save money, time and increase conversions. You just have to choose the right tools and adapt them to your needs.. We propose four processes that you should automate. Yes or yes.

  1. CRM. Fine-tune and refine the customer relationship management system as much as possible. It is very important that the sales and marketing departments go hand in hand to ensure good customer service. Make the most of your CRM automation options and you will see how your relationship with your customers improves. In the market there are many and varied, some free and others not, such as, Zoho or Pipedrive. To start with, we propose AgileCRM. It is easy to use, fresh, dynamic and offers a multitude of interesting options.

  1. Content Marketing. According to a study, content creators spend more than a quarter of their time selecting interesting content for their customers. But there is an option to automate this arduous task. With the right keywords, the programs can select texts that help us generate ideas for our own content pieces. Feedly is, in our humble opinion, one of the best tools on the market.

  1. Social Media Marketing. Social networks have a raison d’être that can be fractured by automation. Therefore, we believe that not everything works in this area. Posting content can be automated, why not. It can help us organize our time and be more efficient, especially when the demand for information today forces us to generate content, sometimes every two hours. However, responses in conversations with our customers should never be automated, because the true essence of social networks would be lost. Zapier, Aweber or Facebook Postplanner are some of the software that will facilitate this task. Social Oomph is, for us, one of the easiest to use and with many free options.

  1. Web or App optimization. Measuring the usability of your website or mobile interface is essential for search engine optimization and design. Real-time tracking of visitor actions is very important to increase conversions. Don’t forget. Hubspot tools can help you.

Remember that, no matter how much you run, if you go without running shoes it will be very difficult to escape from the lion. Try to be the best in your field with the tools that are on the market… Look for ones that adapt to your feet, to the way you walk… If all this is too much for you, contact a good shoemaker. He will custom design everything you need. And you will see how quickly you will escape from the crowd and get rid of the evil lion. We are convinced: alone or with help you will win this race.

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