Video marketing in healthcare | Amara marketing

Video marketing is a tool that can generate leads for your clinic, increase patient confidence and promote your clinic's image.

1. What is video marketing?

Video production responds to the growing interest of users for interesting and stimulating visual content.

Video production responds to users’ growing interest in visual content that is interesting and stimulating. According to a study by Wordstream, users spend at least one third of their online activity on video: it is therefore important to create audiovisual content, to arouse interest and give greater legitimacy to the source of information.

Video marketing is any type of video recorded and published with the intention of directing it towards commercial objectives or, in the case of private clinics, to increase the number of patients through this branch of marketing.

Video marketing is any type of video recorded and published with the intention of directing it towards commercial objectives or, in the case of private clinics, to increase the numberof patients through this branch of marketing.


1.1. Why is video marketing so important?

It’s indisputable that video marketing is a very important marketing tool.

It is indisputable that today the most consumed content format is video. But not only that, it is also the format that can help you most to build trust and engagement among potential consumers of your clinic.

If you don’t believe in video marketing

it’s the format that can help you build trust and engagement among potential consumers.

If you don’t believe it, all you have to do is analyse what type of content tends to have the greatest reach on users’ favourite social networks. Video, right? In fact, according to YouTube, every day more than one billion users consume content on the platform. That is, a third of all users who browse the Internet.

For this reason, more and more businesses are creating video content for YouTube for commercial purposes. These are the businesses that understand the behavioural change in the way users consume information. An initiative that in the medium term can lead to an increase in traffic, which for your clinic would mean an increase in potential customers.

I’m sure that one of the sections on your website with more visits and better conversion, if you have included it, corresponds to the success stories or real clinical cases, right? It has always been said that a picture is worth a thousand words and in the case of your clinic, showing the evidence of the before and after of a patient generates a great impact.

Now, can you imagine if you could include testimonials, explanations and demonstrations of your work in a professional way on YouTube? Obviously, you need the patients’ permission, but they can always choose to keep their name anonymous.

Would you like to include testimonials, explanations and demonstrations of your work in a professional way on YouTube?

Think that users consume content on YouTube because they can find answers and instructions to specific questions. If you can solve these doubts with your content in video format, the impact you generate will be even greater.

videomarketing types

1.2. Types of video content

When talking about video marketing and e-commerce or digital marketing in general, the conversation tends to refer directly to YouTube channels. But in reality, it is possible to use video marketing to produce several types of content:

  • Vlogs
  • Tutorials and educational videos
  • Interviews with the clinic team
  • Demonstrations
  • .

  • Demonstrations of products or services
  • True patient stories
  • Patient stories
  • Advertisements
  • Live videos
  • Live videos
  • Animations
  • These are just a few examples of video, but thanks to a careful choice of strategy, content, language and creativity, you can use thisversatile medium in many other ways according to the needs of your clinic.

    2. Video marketing statistics

    Using video marketing as a tool to build the doctor’s personal image, promote the clinic and increase its number of patients is not just an advice, but a methodology backed up by relevant data according to its applications.

    2.1. Consumers and decision-making


    • 90% of users say that videos about commercial products help them make a decision in their buyer’s journey (Strategic-IC)
    • When users enjoy video ads, their purchase intent increases by 97%. (Strategic-IC)
    • 46% of users take action after watching a video ad (WordStream)
    • How-to searches on YouTube are growing by 70% every year. (Search Engine Island)

    2.2. Companies and corporate websites


    • On pages with videos, 80% of marketers say that videos increase dwell time. (Hubspot)
    • 65% of senior executives visit a website after watching a related YouTube video (Single Grain)
    • ).

    • 51.9% of marketers consider video to be one of the content types with the best ROI (eMarketer)

    2.3. Growth of the video industry

  • 2.3.
    • 93% of businesses report new customers as a direct result of a video posted on social media (Animoto)
    • In the US alone  edigital video marketing is a $135 billion industry (Forbes)
    • 73% of marketers created at least two videos per month for social media marketing in 2018. (Animoto)

    3. The advantages of video marketing on YouTube


    While video marketing can be beneficial across the various platforms out there, YouTube remains the leading video platform today. Why your YouTube presence can benefit your practice

    Why your presence on YouTube can benefit your practice

  • Why?

    YouTube Growth by Year

    3.1. YouTube is a growing platform


    More and more users are spending their time on YouTube. In other words, they are giving up the time they spend watching television to invest it in this social network. In fact, statistics show that 60% of users prefer online video platforms to television.

    This is why YouTube is the most popular social networking site in the world.

    For this reason, it can be said that YouTube is growing every day, with 2.2 billion active users every month. While Facebook is growing in users by 13% every year, since the summer of 2017 YouTube has grown by 20%. In other words, your growth rate is almost double that of Facebook.

    Furthermore, Facebook users spend on average just over 25 minutes a day consuming content on Facebook, while on YouTube the average is over an hour just from the mobile app.

    3.2. YouTube is a cost-effective tool


    In order to increase traffic to your website, you are most likely investing your budget in SEM. Perhaps even within your strategy, in addition to content marketing, you are also considering social media marketing, such as Facebook Ads.

    This is a very cost-effective way to increase traffic to your website.

    This is a considerable expense. While promoting your business requires investing in effective marketing strategies, with a sufficient budget you can work on engaging content on YouTube.

    You should be able to do this on your own.

    To do this, it should be clear that your business videos are about helping your potential customers, answering their questions and satisfying their needs. Yes, it is important to analyse that the images are clear and the audio is easy to listen to, but beyond the quality of the video, the content you create has toshow the value you want to offer to your audience.

    You could, for example, create a video with a video of your business that.

    For example, you could run online workshops if they are appropriate to the services you offer. Workshops with videos that would allow you to educate your potential customers.

    Workshops with videos that would allow you to educate your potential customers.


    4. How to maximise video production for clinics


    4.1. Include a title and detailed descriptions for each video


    Make sure to include relevant, content-related keywords in the video title and write a relevant, video-related description. Since YouTube videos can also be found through Google search results, it makes sense that both the copy of the title and the description should be contextual keywords, that is, keywords that refer to the information you offer and that users are looking for.

    4.2. Include your videos in thematic playlists


    In addition to uploading your videos on your YouTube channel in order to get more traffic to your website, they should be included in playlists (lists of selected videos). In fact, this practice can have a greater impact than the actual creation of videos.

    Think of it in the same way that many people organise their favourite songs, playlists are based on common themes. When a user is interested in topics related to health and aesthetics, they can be more easily reached.

    When a user is interested in topics related to health and aesthetics, they can be more easily reached.

    Not only do you increase the likelihood of your video being seen because it is easier to find by being linked to a topic, but you may also increase the engagement time and length of time your video is played.

    4.3. Sharing on social networks

    The dissemination of the best video content can take place on a variety of channels, each with its own specific audience and objectives.

    • Facebook users in total enjoy watching 100 million hours of video every day (TechCrunch)
    • Facebook users in total enjoy watching 100 million hours of video each day.
    • “Social” video generates 1200% more shared content than text and image content combined. (Wordstream)
    • Already in 2016, the time Instagram users spent watching videos increased by more than 40% (Instagram)

    The video implementations applied by major social platforms in recent years confirm these trends. Posting video content on health topics can help you maintain the interest level of your followers and attract new ones, which means more traffic and more opportunity to generate leads for your clinic.

    4.4. Share your videos on other channels


    Content is recyclable, so why not take advantage of it? For this reason you can also share your videos not only on your other social networks, but also on your main channel: your website. Whether they are videos of clinical cases or testimonials, or video-workshops to explain to your potential patients certain methodologies or new techniques, hosting them on your website means having more chances of positioning them.


    4.5. Measuring the results


    Video marketing is the type of content strategy most suited to accurate measurement. By identifying the right metrics and the most appropriate tools to measure them, there is the possibility of accessing a lot of information: the time a user spends watching the video, the reach of the content, the engagement rate achieved and, if you offer the possibility to subscribe through the video, the number of leads generated.

    Having a detailed idea of how your marketing strategies are performing is essential to determine what is working and what is not; it helps to determine future strategy and allows you to make small changes for continual improvement.

    5. Success stories

    5.1. Athena Health

    Athena Health’s mission is to “unlock healthcare”. Their video provides a brief explanation of how to give back to the doctor the hours spent dealing with the tedious paperwork that prevents them from spending time with their patients. This is a good example of content aimed at other professionals in the sector, explaining a complex system in simple terms and with a bit of humour.


    The animation style used makes the narration fluid and understandable by creating a flow of information that the viewer can easily follow. Finally, the voiceover provides a touch of clarity to this complex system.

    5.2. CDC

    This video made by CDC, an agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services, represents the perfect example of educational video and audience segmentation.

    The video was made by CDC, an agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services.


    The creative used refers specifically to people born between 1945 to 1965, with the aim of helping to educate these patients about recognising the symptoms of hepatitis B and teaching them about home care.

    The videos are also intended to help educate patients about the symptoms of hepatitis B and to teach them about home care.

    Educational videos can also be used within health centres and clinics to train your staff in a more engaging and fun way.

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