What is search engine optimization?
The SEO positioning is the set of techniques that improve the location of the URLs of our website in the results pages (SERPS) of Internet search engines in response to the introduction of a search term or keyword, which is usually called search engine optimization. In Spain it is reduced, in practice, to Google searches.
Why is search engine positioning important?
Companies have become aware of the importance of being present in search engine results. This has happened for two reasons:
- Consumers have increased their trust towards the digital environment and online shopping has grown exponentially.
- At the same time, the weight of digital marketing in the overall marketing strategy of companies grows , as their potential customers seek solutions to their problems in Internet spaces and these respond as advisors in the buying process (inbound marketing methodology).
You can achieve presence in Internet search engines through SEM (Search Engine Marketing), which corresponds to advertising or paid positioning, or through SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques, which corresponds to natural, organic and free positioning in Google results.
How does an SEO consultant in Mallorca work?
Search engines classify the different pages corresponding to a search following two criteria: aspects related to the quantity and quality of the content and the technical construction of the page (SEO on page) and, secondly, the authority and credibility of the page in the subject matter it addresses and related searches (SEO Off page). The latter is measured by the quantity and quality of links it attracts from other websites (linkbuilding) and, in turn, by the authority of these websites in the subject matter (external factors).
Benefits of an SEO agency in Mallorca
A correct SEO strategy will bring us two fundamental benefits: greater business generation and greater notoriety in our sector.
With this in mind, many businesses for which search engine presence is vital spend significant amounts on online advertising to reach their potential customers. An SEO consultant in Mallorca with proven results in positioning can help you substantially lower this bill while gaining presence in early stages of the purchase or in searches related to keywords in which you had no presence.
The relationship between the blog and SEO
So far we have talked about the website, but it may have been explained to you that maintaining a blog is important for a correct SEO strategy.
This is indeed the case. The website usually concentrates the offer we make to the customer, so the keywords are usually related to the last phase of purchase: the decision. However, the first searches of our customer are made with the intention of knowing what solutions there are for their problem or the search for features of a particular product or service. This is called search intention and determines whether we capture the customer in the first phases of the purchase (in our blog) or directly in the last phase.
Some aspects of SEO that you should know
SEO positioning is a complex and not exact discipline, as is in general all online marketing. Even the best SEO agencies cannot guarantee specific results. That is why it is important that the SEO agency to whom the contract is entrusted has editors, consultants and computer scientists with years of experience, which gives the intuition derived from similar cases in which good results were obtained.
It is essential to perform an SEO audit before making any decision.
The structure, contents

Build your own promotion and sales channel, reposition products to improve the customer experience, differentiate yourself from the competition to maintain leadership. In short, offer a better and faster service, taking advantage of the different digital tools and strategies.
First appointment
Increqse sales
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