How to create an online marketing strategy for SMEs | Amara

In this post we are going to take a look at three simple steps to help you develop your first online marketing strategy for small businesses in Mallorca.



First step. The brand.


Everything has a beginning and in this case you have to start by defining your brand. By brand we don’t mean a name, a website and a logo, as you probably already have that. Rather, we mean that you need to communicate something different and of value with your brand.


And you may be wondering: That sounds great, but how do I do it? First, you need to think about your story to find out what your motivations are (why do you create this company?). Then you need to ask your customers and, ultimately, talk to them to find out why they choose you and what differentiates you from the competition. Thirdly, look around. Visit your competitors’ websites to look for differentiating aspects and also learn from what they are doing well. Finally, gather all the information to draw conclusions and start defining your brand.


Step two. The contents


You probably already have a website, but have you ever stopped to look at it as your customers would? In many websites we find that when designing them, the company assumed that the visitors had “certain knowledge” or “spoke the same jargon”. Big mistake!

To avoid making this mistake, ask yourself two simple questions: Does my website have the information that my potential customers need? and Am I using the language that my potential customers would use?

Are I using the language that my potential customers would use?

Also, remember that the content of your website has to incorporate the essence and values that you defined your brand to differentiate you from the competition. To use a culinary simile, once the content has been filtered using the two questions we have provided you with, you must season it with the ingredients you have used to build your brand.

These tips also apply to any content you want to develop for your company (flyers, brochures, advertising, etc.).

Article about Online Marketing in Majorca

Third step. The strategy


Now you know the keys to having a brand and a website that your customers will love and that differentiate you from your competition. So you can start with what will take up the most time and resources, the online strategy. But don’t panic, we are practical people with a vocation for service, so we will explain what will work best with your resources so that you can concentrate on the actions that will generate the greatest return on investment. Let’s take a look at what these actions are: 

Content is the king of your online strategy. Google is hungry for original content and updates, so it will reward you by ranking you higher in the search engine if you provide it. So when people search for you, they will be able to find you.


Paying to promote yourself in online media is a good tool. However, think carefully beforehand, because it can be a big investment in time and money. To optimise your investment, you should constantly measure and monitor your online media campaigns. In this way, you will know what works and what doesn’t thanks to a technique that has always been associated with mankind: learning from mistakes.

Your company must be social. Once you have built your brand, website and have unique and valuable content, you can start sharing it on the different social networks. Now you may be wondering how and on which ones. The answer is not common and will depend on your objectives. For example, LinkedIn and Twitter tend to work best for B2B businesses (companies that sell to other companies), while Facebook is better suited for B2C businesses (companies that sell to end users). In our experience, we recommend that you concentrate on one or two networks to reach your potential customers. Also think that your content should be adapted to the social network you use. For example, LinkedIn and Twitter need content that is constantly updated and Facebook needs more visual content.

Well, that’s it. At least to get you started. We know it’s going to be a lot of work, but it will be worth it. Remember, start by analysing what makes your company different and communicate it. Then think about the needs of your current and potential customers so you can provide them with valuable content they want to consume. Finally, develop a strategy to reach your target audience through online actions and media. And, remember, if you need help, we are always there for you.

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