Five practical tools for B2B business

B2B businesses face numerous difficulties in acquiring new customers and sales, so marketing strategies need to be streamlined as much as possible. In this publication we recommend 5 practical tools that will allow you to boost your B2B marketing strategies.

1. Analyze email marketing activity: MailChimp

The practice of email marketing has potentially become more streamlined in recent years thanks to automation, the opportunity to send emails to customers in bulk. But this does not eliminate the possibility that customers will abhor promotional emails if it doesn’t catch their attention or doesn’t offer them anything special and end up ignoring them or unsubscribing from your company’s email service. Is there a tool that offers more information so you can improve your campaigns?

MailChimp is an email marketing automation service that offers tools to design email campaigns or newsletters, it offers default templates that you can choose or edit to your liking. To access MailChimp you only need to access your browser and register on their website, it is not necessary to download any application or software on your computer. Here we explain some of the advantages offered by MailChimp:

    • Offers templates of subscription forms: it gives you the option to place them on your website and visitors can fill them out if they are interested in receiving more information from your company. There is a second kind of form with alerts, the possibility to design a thank you page and prepare a welcome email for each new subscription.
    • Allows you to createcustomer lists: you can register up to 2,000 customers for free and segment them into different groups. This way you can improve the focus of the content and distribute campaigns selectively depending on what you know each group likes.
    • MailChimp’s reports after sending the campaign: they offer details such as the number of customers who opened your campaign and the links they clicked, the geographical location of interested customers, the bounce rate… this data will help you to know what interests your customers and what doesn’t. You can connect this option to your Google Analytics account or your CRM database for more specific details.
    • Other options such as adding “forward to a friend” in campaigns: this will allow customers to share your company’s emails with their acquaintances.


    2. Have a CRM tool: Salesforce

    Once your customer numbers increase, there comes a point where managing new customer acquisition becomes complicated and not the same as it was in the beginning, just as it becomes difficult to keep the attention of older customers. The goal is to offer the same quality of individual and personalized attention to both regular and new customers. You will need some tool to help you manage information on your multiple customers and thus be aware of their particularities whenever new sales opportunities arise. This functionality is fulfilled by the CRM.

    One of the most popular CRMs today is Salesforce, and this program stands out for its advanced features. It does not require high IT expertise for its management and it also does not require downloading software on the computer, it is enough to log in and work on your website. These are some of the features of Salesforce:

      • Salesforce stores databases in the cloud, hence they offer different types of cloud according to the needs of each company. It allows you to manage your customers and monitor their activity with your company, but also helps you when closing sales, offers you to develop multichannel campaigns, to create applications aimed at your customers, among other options more.
      • It allows you to have your own agenda to organize your next plans and offers a tool to be able to concert appointments with customers. It also shows you records of the activities of clients with your company on their evolution in the process of buying your services, including meetings and the status of each sale.
      • It offers multiple tools to maximize the level of information of your clients.
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