6 strategies to follow to modernize my hotel’s website

If you are wondering "what are the strategies to follow to modernize my hotel website", be sure to read these 6 tips.

An updated and modern website will attract more users and, consequently, will appear better positioned in search engines. Don’t be afraid to give your old website a complete overhaul.


Strategies for a modern and successful website

1) Use large images

The images have ceased to be an accompaniment to the hotel’s website and have taken on a leading role. Your hotel website must create a visual experience for the user. Use professional images of large size and good quality.

Your potential client wants to see in detail the room where he will sleep, the restaurant where he will spend a romantic evening  or the swimming pool where he will relax for hours. Don’t leave it all to his imagination, show him first hand how fabulous your hotel is!

It goes without saying that the images you use must be real. Cheating the customer will not bring any good. You may get the sale, but you may get in return a negative comment in the networks..

2) Tell a story: use video marketing

Internet users are reading less and less and, on the contrary, are more attracted to audiovisual content. Create a video that tells a story related to your hotel. Excite your visitor and  offer them the experience of an unparalleled vacation at your resort.

Include the video in the home page of your website to capture the user’s attention from the first moment. Also promote it on social networks. Although the virality of a content is not controllable, if you do it well, your video can spread through the different social media and go much further than you expect.

The increase in conversions is closely linked to the use of video marketing. Remember to optimize the weight of your audiovisual material so that it does not affect the loading time of your website. You can use different platforms such as Youtube or Vimeo.

3) Work with a responsive design

A visit to your hotel website can come through any device, including mobiles and tablets. In fact, more and more users are accessing from this type of media. You have to be prepared to serve them through any device.

Therefore your website must have what is known asresponsive design . All the elements of your website must adapt to any screen size and the objects of interaction with the user, such as a booking engine, must work optimally from any device.

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4) Invite them to share your content on social networks.

Social networks have already become a new means of communication and even a contact platform. Highlight on your website the social networks in which your hotel interacts with equal importance to the contact information.

If your website also has a blog section, include the options to share your posts at the beginning of each entry or in a movable sidebar throughout the text. The reader does not have to go to the end of the text, let them share your content at all times.

5) Opt for a flat design

Opt for a simple and minimalist design. The flat is a flat design with a lot of white that facilitates the user’s visual tour. Give importance to the image and select very well the copy that you are going to use. And it includes only the essential text, especially in the home.

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6) The typography of your website must be coherent with the values of your hotel.

There are more and more resources that allow you to have a unique typography. The style you choose should be closely linked to the values of your hotel. Typographic design says a lot about your brand.

For example, if you work with a minimalist style and your hotel gives off a feeling of open spaces, you cannot choose an overloaded and narrow typography.

All the elements of your brand must be coherent and revolve around the same values and brand image. Google Fonts offers you a wide variety of modern and adaptable fonts.

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