Discover how to make a landing page. Step by step.

Landing pages can work non-stop collecting data through forms about your potential guests. Learn how to make a landing page!

Getting information about your web visitors through the forms they fill out allows you to build a solid database with interesting contacts (potential customers) who have been attracted by your brand, by your hotel. How? With your content offer. That is the key. If they are interested in your proposal and what you offer in exchange for their contact information, they will not hesitate to make the exchange.

To do this you need to have a blog where you can regularly publish articles related to your industry. Don’t talk about your hotel, because for that you already have the main pages of the website.
In a post you should focus on what your potential guest might be interested in and offer them something else – content (eBook or guide) that they can’t say no to through a CTA.
. This call-to-action will take them to the landing page, hence this page is fundamental in the conversion process.


What should landing pages look like?

  1. Write a clear, concise and action-oriented headline. Explain to your visitors what they will get, what the benefit of the offer is and how they will access it. Use action verbs such as “download” for an eBook or guide, and “watch” for a video.
  2. Explain clearly what they will get out of your content offer. They say that the shortest good thing is twice as good. It is better to condense the content to avoid scrolling and it is advisable to use numbers, bullets and bold text to make the information more easily digestible. With too much text on the landing page the visitor may lose focus and leave. It is advisable to include a relevant image, animation or short video to help visually convey the value of the content offerings to your visitors.
  3. Removes the navigation menu and links. Since the main objective of your landing page is to generate sales opportunities, it is best to eliminate all distractions. Make sure that the form is attractive and that the submit button is clearly visible.
  4. Create a form according to the content offer value. In other words, the more valuable the offer, the more information you can request from the visitor in the form.
  5. Want to make sure you get the real email from your contact? Here are a few tricks: make it clear on the landing page that they will receive the eBook or guide in their email, create the right expectations, and repeat it in the thank you page that we will see later.
  6. Add icons for sharing on social networks. This will also allow them to disseminate the information to other potential customers on their social media profiles if they find the content relevant and useful.
  7. Finally, analyze how your buyer persona interprets the content offer. To analyze how your landing page is performing, consider whether you are using the right language, whether the content is engaging or confusing, and whether the form contains the right questions. And make the appropriate changes, one at a time.


If your visitor successfully completed the form, congratulations, he/she is already a lead (a sales opportunity). Obviously, this cannot remain that way. This user that you already know must be able to download the content offer and for this thank you pages come into play.

These are new pages where the sales opportunities arrive after filling in the form on the landing page, i.e. where the download link of the offer is usually provided. And we say ‘usually’ because of what we said before about the contact email.

The thank you page ends the conversion process and can help new leads to continue the buyer’s journey by offering new CTAs with content offers that may also be of interest to them. This may bring them closer to the time of booking.


What should thank you pages look like?

  1. It is optional to deliver the promised content offer via a link or set expectations about what will happen next if what is offered cannot be delivered immediately. In the latter case you have to specify where (email) and when (at that very moment).
  2. Re-displays the navigation menu on this web page. It again allows this contact to have the ability to scroll through the site after they have converted and arrived at the thank you page.
  3. Move these prospects into the Buyer’s Journey. Take the opportunity to show them another offer that may be of interest to them, in the next phase of the Buyer’s Journey, and grab their attention with another CTA (if necessary and not aggressive at the time) to initiate another conversion process.
  4. Also include social media icons to expand your reach on these platforms and generate more leads. A good way to encourage engagement.
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