Web content. The power of storytelling to stand out with your story.

Having trouble focusing your web content, your stories? Not reaching your potential customers and not attracting attention? Write to highlight.

We’re not talking about you inventing anything. Of course not. We are talking about the power of storytelling. Because if you already have a website, the next step is to have a blog… And the next step is to write your publications. They must have a strategy behind them. Of course! But we must not forget that we write for people, for our potential customers. And they don’t care about our strategy. 

Why do you need a story?

You don’t have to be an experienced copywriter to write a good story. Not if you take into account some of the practices we will discuss below. But keep in mind that to stand out, to fight for the attention of your potential customers, you have to make yourself heard… well, read.


In this case, the writing of your stories is what can make your reader feel attracted, feel identified. That is, you can create a connection with him. A good story is the one that allows you to stand out and not go unnoticed. This story is the one that connects with your audience on an emotional level and generates engagement.
with your reader.

The emotional part plays a fundamental role in deciding what type of product or service that potential customer wants to purchase. For this reason, we must focus on WHY and HOW we do what we do, write what we write.

What are the best practices?

Think that if you are short of resources in your SME and you have to be the one who has to write the publications, nothing happens. We do it in all SMEs. In fact, there is no one better than you who knows your potential customers. And that is fundamental when it comes to writing.

Because storytelling makes no sense without knowing what are the needs and desires of our potential contacts. No matter who your potential customer is. When writing you have to be able to emphasize with it. Of course, you must rely on best practices to reach them:

1. Know who the main character of your story is.

In any good story there is a character. And in the case of the content of your story, your protagonist is your reader, your potential customer. Take this same publication as an example, our protagonist is now you, isn’t it? You are the one who wants to write for your audience, your need is to know how to do it.

If your readers do not see themselves in your story, that is, they cannot identify with it, it will be very difficult to achieve the engagement you need. So, bearing in mind that you are writing for your readers, and depending on what their preferences are, you need to determine from which point of view you are writing:

First person: to generate authority, if the author of the content is relevant in the sector. It can help you establish a connection with your reader.

Second person: in this case the point of view is that of your character. Be aware of their goals, their difficulties and show empathy.

Third person: that you can reserve for case studies. This point of view always goes well to exemplify in an educational way what works for other people.

2. Understand what the conflict is.

Why, what really makes a piece of content memorable? Its usefulness, isn’t it? Your story will be useful as long as you raise a conflict. If you use this same article as an example, the conflict lies in the difficulty of understanding the writing process.

Any story must be viewed from an educational approach. Your story must be able to identify what your potential customers’ conflicts are. The conflict is what the reader will identify with. This is what will generate engagement. Because this is also their conflict.

And remember,   there is a distinct conflict in the different stages of the consumer lifecycle (known as buyer’s journey) of your potential customers. That is, as they approach the time of purchase, their conflicts (their needs) vary. This is something you must take into account when offering solutions and educating them. 

3. Propose a resolution.

And it doesn’t always have to be one with a happy ending. Of course, any good story has a resolution, a closure. Because if you need to understand what the conflict is, you need to be able to provide answers to it. That said, a resolution, whether it has a happy ending or not, must call for action.

You need there to be a conversion of some kind. That is, you need to motivate your readers to perform a next action. For example, subscribe to your newsletter, get some kind of downloadable with more relevant information, etc.


Perfect. If you have already reached the end, you have no reason to think that your story is not the right one. Just remember that you need a strategy behind it. Storytelling is fundamental, but it is all part of a content strategy that is appropriate to your objectives, focused on your potential customers. 

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