Facebook Ads, a different way to advertise your hotel

If you don't know all the possibilities that Facebook Ads offers you, this is your chance to learn more about this intuitive and low-cost tool.

We want to show you how you can optimize Facebook to the maximum. As you well know, and according to the study recently published by IAB SPAIN, this social network is known by 99% of social network users and used by 91% of them.

So why not advertise your hotel on this network? We show you how to do it using Facebook Ads, an advertising tool that, if applied correctly, can allow you to launch an ad accurately  and maintaining the social nature of the network.

Why use Facebook Ads?

1. Microsegmentation. It will allow you to fine-tune who you want to target with your ad. Facebook offers you the possibility, from your database, to segment your audience according to age, location, gender, language, interests, tastes…


2. Your reach increases. As it is based on the functioning of the social network, it will allow your own followers to be the ones who, consciously or unconsciously, spread your advertisement.

3. Measurement. Facebook has efficient tools for monitoring and analyzing your campaigns from its own platform. You will not have to leave Facebook to know your statistics.

4. Increase traffic. 
Depending on the type of ad and your objectives, Facebook will allow you to increase traffic at a low average cost compared to other tools.

How  work with Facebook Ads?

First of all, as we always say, plan your campaign correctly and, above all, define your audience and objectives.

For each of the main objectives we discuss the options that Facebook offers:

1. If you want to spread your content.

– Promoted Posts and Content Ads.  Your post will appear in your target audience’s News Feed as page content.


– Logout experience. This is an image that you can make appear once the user logs out of Facebook. It has a duration of one day and the segmentation is by country only.

2. If you want to increase the number of followers.

Like Ads and Sponsored Stories. This is about the post appearing in the user’s News Feed, as being a post that their friends like.

3. If you want to achieve greater linking and downloading of applications.

– App Ads and Sponsored Stories.


4. If you want to obtain event registrations.

– Event Ads.

5. If you want to increase sales.

– Facebook Exchange, based on the idea of
. The customer enters your hotel’s website, and when he enters Facebook, the page reminds him of the content displayed.

Once you have decided what you want to achieve with Facebook Ads, you need to get to work on it.  The tool offered by Facebook is very intuitive and will allow you to publish your ad without major inconveniences.

It also allows you to join the new trend of video marketing and promote your campaign through video.

What is the cost?

We must say that the cost of your campaign will depend on your objectives. Basically, Facebook advertising is governed by two types of billing:

– Cost per Click (CPC): When your goal is conversion, that is, that your users click on your ad to be redirected, for example, to your website, Facebook will charge you for each click your customers make on your ad. This option is usually a bit more expensive and with a more limited reach than CPM.

– Cost per 1,000 impressions (CPM): If you want your Facebook page to get more fans, and as long as you have enough budget, this option will allow you to gain presence in the New Feeds of your target audience. You will pay for every 1,000 views.

So, you choose what you want to spend and what you want to spend it on. In addition, and since Facebook offers good measurement tools, you will be able to track your ads and correct your campaigns.

Doesn’t sound bad, does it? Come and discover the opportunities that Facebook offers you. Here is another article about this social network: How to sell stays from your hotel’s Facebook page.

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