Uses technology to sell technology

Don't know how to sell your technology service to new customers? Today we talk about attraction marketing to attract online customers.

If this is the case of your technology business and the day to day life is eating you up to the point of not being able to apply your own story to your company, don’t you think it is time to use technology to sell your technology? Let’s see how you can close more sales online thanks to technology.

Take into account the buyer’s journey

As you know, not all companies have the same capacity to implement new technological support in their day-to-day operations. Some take a long time to decide to make this type of change and, when they do, they need support from the supplier, in this case, your technology company.

How can you understand this process and accompany your potential customers through all stages of the buyer’s journey? Offering them content of interest and focused on each of these stages of their buying process.


The stages of the buyer’s journey are:

  • Awareness. At this point, the consumer realizes that he has a problem or a need that needs to be solved, but he is not very clear about what it is, he has only noticed, for example, a drop in his sales. At this stage, we must offer the user basic and simple content so that they can detect what their problem is. Our goal is that when you look for answers to your questions on the Internet, you will find us as a source of information.
  • Consideration.  At this stage, the consumer already knows what his problem is and starts looking for solutions. It’s time to provide you with content to help you make the best choice. In this case, we will work on more extensive content, such as guides, webinars or similar.
  • Decision. Finally the user decides on a solution. It is time to offer our product or service as a solution to your problem. In this case, a free demo or consulting about your business would be the most appropriate type of content.

Attract customers to your website.Of course, our target audience will find us through these online publications if we have worked on a keyword strategy in advance and we know what terms they search for.

And how do you offer this content? Through your website and your CRM and email marketing platform.

  • Blog. Create a blog in which you work on more specific keywords for this type of content that users search for, especially during their Discovery and Consideration stages. Add calls to action at the end of your posts, which lead your visitors to Landing Pages where they can fill out a form and download the resources you offer them and, in this way, they will become leads (sales opportunities) for your technology company.
  • Email marketing. Once you have the contact information of these visitors to your website, already converted into leads, it is time to accompany them in a much more active way during their buying process (buyer’s journey). So take advantage of his vote of confidence, he has left you his contact details! Now it’s your turn to become a reference company for the user, so that he chooses you when he finally decides to make a purchase. In your email marketing strategies you can offer them content related to their searches and interests, discounts, invitations to events…
  • Lead Nurturing. Through email marketing and other online marketing strategies (workflows, webinars, leadflows…) we will be nurturing these potential customers. This is known as lead nurturing.

In short, you can get more customers online thanks to technology working an Attraction Marketing strategy, or what is the same, Inbound Marketing, and having a CRM that enhances your marketing strategies and offers maximum analysis of your actions and allows you to segment your database to the millimeter to deliver the right content to the right user at the right time. In this infographic you can learn schematically what the Inbound methodology consists of:

Inbound Marketing Methodology

Create conversion goals

What do you want to achieve? How many customers do you want to close through your website? It is important that before working on an online marketing strategy you determine what your objective is. Conversion goals can be very diverse:

  • Achieve visitor-to-lead conversions
  • Closing online sales conversions (more typical of ecommerce companies)
  • Get event registrations
  • Increase followers on social networks…

It is important that you are clear about your company’s objectives in the short-medium term and, in this way, plan your marketing strategies focused on them.

As  is well aware, new technologies allow us to access a great deal of immediate information that we would not otherwise have. The same happens when we work with online marketing instead of offline marketing. By working with an online strategy we will be able to know at all times how our campaigns are working and, in this way, enhance those actions that work best and stop investing efforts in strategies that are not bringing us results.

Of course, to perform this type of analysis you must have technology (CRM, email marketing platform, SEO analysis tools…) that allows you to access the data of your actions. Google Analytics, for example, is a free tool that allows you to know the status of your website in terms of SEO positioning and visits. On the other hand, if what you want is toanalyze the conversions of your website  you will need other tools, such as HubSpot’s CRM.

Know your buyer-persona very well.

The previous step to all the strategies mentioned above is to know very well who your target audience is. Start by creating profiles of your buyer-personas. You can download these free templates to start your Inbound strategy:

{{cta(‘bd8f779a-7e79-4754-9a62-8be6571b5c41’)}} Is your company ready to sell technology through technology?

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