How a loyalty plan in healthcare adds value | Amara Marketing

With a strategy to build customer loyalty you will be able to execute appropriate marketing actions to maintain their trust in your brand and services. The trust of your current clients is one of your best assets to sell other services to these and other potential clients.

Think that a satisfied patient can become the best promoter of your clinic and help attract more potential clients. Because when your patients trust your brand and are pleased with the type of treatment they have undergone, there is a high probability that they will recommend your services.

But this trust is not something you can gain only through your services or attraction marketing strategies. Because what happens when there is no ‘customer service’ afterwards? What happens when your patient feels ignored after treatment? While he may have undergone an intervention at one point in time, it does not mean that he will not need some of your services again.


So how can you please your clinic’s clients so that they repeat?

This is where a loyalty plan comes into play. With a strategy to build customer loyalty you will be able to execute the right marketing actions to maintain their trust in your brand and services. The trust of your current clients is one of your best assets to sell other services to these and other potential clients. And what should you keep in mind? 

1. Learning stage.

First of all, in order to build customer loyalty, it is best to have a CRM where you can store relevant data about your contacts. And with this data, analyze customer typologies to assess which loyalty actions to carry out and through which communication channels, or if it is worthwhile to carry out any action.

Obviously, once you have acquired a client and they have undergone any type of treatment or intervention, the possibility of building customer loyalty will depend a lot on whether or not you meet their expectations. For this reason, it is imperative that building trust and pleasing your customers is a skill of every one of your employees, no matter what department they are in.

So in the learning stage, to maintain this trust, you need to know what your clients think of you, what they value about your services, your employees, and what negative aspects they perceive of your practice. How can you find out this type of information? With online and offline satisfaction surveys, calls and regular recording of their expectations and perceptions by your employees.

2. Execution stage.

Once you have the necessary information about your customers, it is time to segment your contact database and execute the actions that best suit each segment. One of the most common means of communication is email marketing, where you can offer an integrated ‘customer service’ experience with the aim of building customer loyalty. But remember that interaction with your customer can take many forms. In addition to an email, it can be a call, a tweet, a private Facebook message, a form, etc.

Instant messaging services and social networks, in addition to the usual communication channels in your online marketing strategy, should be fundamental elements in your loyalty plan. So, for example, WhatsApp can also serve as a direct and personalized communication channel with customers, through which they can consult doubts.

And since it is easier to lose trust than to gain it, each team member has to take care of the contact in every interaction. 82% of customers say the number one factor that leads to a great customer service experience is having their problems and concerns resolved quickly.

In addition, remember that in your program you must take into account how you are going to reward this loyalty. The goal of keeping your patients satisfied is yours, not theirs. For this reason, your clinic should also show how pleased it is to be able to count on them as loyal customers.

Thus, the offer, promotion and even a contest if deemed contest if deemed appropriate (depending on the target you are addressing) is necessary to rekindle the interest and strengthen the loyalty of your patients.

A common resort in this type of marketing strategy is to offer some type of discount if another potential patient is brought in. and offer some kind of discount if another potential patient is brought in. (relative or friend). If this promotion is attractive enough, you get a sale and another potential customer. Because who better to promote your clinic than a loyal patient? So don’t forget to reward their loyalty.

On the other hand, your loyalty program can be focused on your brand. brand. In this case, you must provide added value through unique and differentiating experiences that your customers can’t find in your competitors. For this, use innovation to offer better services that can satisfy your customers; to offer better experiences that generate the perceptions that customers have of your brand.

3. Evaluation stage.

Since no strategy or plan is infallible, it is possible that some of the actions you are executing may not be entirely effective. For this reason, it is important to constantly analyze the results and follow up on the reactions of your customers..

Imagine for a moment that you send an elaborated newsletter with information that you think is relevant to segmented lists of your contact base (think that here a CRM would be useful). But what if your customers are the kind of people who never open their emails and if they do they don’t pay attention to the accounts they have subscribed to? What if your customers are on social media and spend much more time on these platforms?

You have to invest your resources in strategies that work. and if at the beginning your customers’ assessment has not been in line with reality and your actions are not effective, the situation analysis will allow you to adjust your loyalty plan to achieve results and reach your objectives. It may be that, based on this loyalty strategy, you have discovered that certain actions exceed your expectations. These should be enhanced.

In addition, it is important that your clinic can solve your clients’ problems and support their goals as well. To this end, communication/education is fundamentalIt is the best way to ensure that each interaction meets the expectations of each contact.

It is also important to act to act in time, or better yet ahead of time. To meet the expectations of a new customer, for example, it is important to be able to create follow-up email workflows (if you know that email marketing works); or to use mobile messaging if it is the most effective method with your customers.

And remember, your patients will not remember all the interactions, all the contacts, but they will remember whether they were positive or negative, i.e. how they felt in general.

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