Growth Marketing for dental clinics

What if your dental marketing efforts are not growing your dental practice? To stand out and grow you need to be open-minded about growth marketing.

The Internet is within reach of almost everyone. And what is more important, within reach of your potential customers, right? For this reason you decided to create a website for your dental clinic, you carry out digital marketing campaigns and you communicate through different online channels. But what happens if your dental marketing efforts don’t grow your business?

We find ourselves in an era in which we must increasingly be more present in the different online communication channels that appear, channels that have become the main sources of information and for which we must create relevant content. SEO, blogging and email marketing continue to be important strategies, but among so much competition it is increasingly difficult to stand out.

When you’ve been implementing online strategies for a while, creating content and sharing it on social networks, but you don’t see any results other than an increase in traffic, you know something is wrong. You have more or less clear your goals but you lack perspective, you need to increase the conversion of your contacts to customers.


So how can you grow your business?

To stand out and grow your business you need to have a ‘growth mindset’, growth mindset,  by which to make content for your marketing strategies. In short, a open mindset for Growth Marketingwhich consists of making the most of your efforts in creating content in all the online channels you work with. Your goal, in this case, is to identify the opportunities you have in these channels to achieve greater engagement with your audience.

How should you do it? By following these three steps.

How should you do it?

1. Understand how your marketing funnel works.

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We have always said that to grow your business you need to start by means of an Inbound Marketing strategy. This online marketing methodology is excellent for those dental clinics that have difficulties in converting their contacts into final customers, as it works very well the conversion. A phase that focuses on the funnel of marketing. A funnel is made up of three stages:.

Exploration stage in which Internet users perform searches on problems or doubts they have regarding a health or dental aesthetics topic.

Stage of exploration in which Internet users perform searches on problems or doubts they have regarding a health or dental aesthetics topic.

Consideration stage in which these users evaluate different options that provide a solution to the problem or doubt about which they have consulted in the previous phase.

Stage of consideration in which these users evaluate different options that provide a solution to the problem or doubt about which they have consulted in the previous phase.

Decision stage when they evaluate which type of solution to opt for, with both emotional and rational factors coming into play.

Decision stage when they evaluate which type of solution to opt for, with both emotional and rational factors coming into play.

All the content you generate, regardless of the online channel in which you distribute it, has to be able to be classified in one of these three stages of the funnel. This way you can measure how the conversion has worked thanks to your online marketing efforts. And if that’s not how you approached content, you can now understand why your efforts are failing and the importance of an open mindset to Growth Marketing.

If this is not how you approached content, you can now understand why your efforts are failing and the importance of an open mindset to Growth Marketing.

Understanding your dental marketing funnel is critical because it means you understand the needs of your potential customers. It implies that you can take advantage of opportunities to generate content. And to know how to leverage content you need to be able to measure whether it is capable of converting. Convert your visitors into contacts, your contacts into qualified leads, your leads into end customers, and your customers into advocates for your brand.

Once you analyze how your content performs and converts, you can learn from your weaknesses and strengths. This analysis will allow you to implement changes.

Sales Funnel - Dental Marketing

2. Improve the performance of your marketing funnel.

To improve the performance of your funnel you need to be able to identify in which channels you need to put more effort when generating the right content. To this end, a working model-diana is proposed. As in a game of darts, your goal is to reach the center. This is how you will score the most points. Although as your aim will not always be perfect, we can count on those other rings that come closest. So, if you think in terms of marketing you should identify which online channels are going to be able to generate ‘more points’:

The central ring is formed by the channels that have the best performance when converting your users into customers.

The next ring is formed by the following channels that can serve as support to attract more traffic to the first ones and that have more opportunities for growth.

And the final ring is formed by other channels or strategies that are still important at the content level, mainly because you can recycle it, but that don’t help you as much to convert.

Once you have identified these channels you must assess how much it costs you to get a customer, that is, how much you invest to get them. This way you can redistribute your efforts to focus on those channels that make your business grow the most, or that have the most possibilities.

3. Implement changes to help the funnel.

In the dental practice sector, consumer behavior is similar. While needs vary by clinic type, the funnel is structured the same way and there are some practices that can help you when thinking about redeploying your content efforts:

Invest in Facebook Ads: this tool allows you to segment in a great way to reach your target audience.

Facebook Ads.

Create videos for those channels that work best, either for Facebook or YouTube. Video is one of the best content formats to convert.

Optimize your content for all channels. SEO is critical to attracting traffic in the first place, but it goes beyond search engines.

Remember that if you control your marketing funnel, you can monetize your efforts. grow with a mindset focused on Growth marketing.

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