Why is my clinic’s website not working? | Amara marketing

If you are wondering why your clinic's website is not bearing fruit, today we explain how to work successfully with online healthcare marketing.

When talking about your clinic’s website, you should know that if you don’t ‘go out’ to find your patients, they will never find you. Now they no longer have the possibility of walking in front of your business and seeing your sign, just because. Your clinic’s website cannot be a mere showcase of your business. Who will get to him in this way? Exactly. Simply those people who already know you, but you are not interested in attracting new patients? So how should you approach this leap to the network?

How to ‘go out’ to find patients online?

The first thing that should be clear to you is that on the Internet we cannot chase the potential client: we cannot leave advertising in their mailbox, nor can we capture their attention with a large poster on the door of our office, not even by publishing an advertisement in the press or specialized magazines. But this is great news! Cold door advertising is disappearing and is no longer what consumers expect.


Although it is true that we can work online advertising (Google Adwords, Facebook Ads…), this must be segmented to the maximum if we really want to reach the audience we are interested in. If not, can you imagine trying to reach, among the total number of Internet users, a potential patient that interests us with an untargeted ad? It would be impossible.

That’s why today we want to explain the most natural way to reach your patients online:

  • Offer them content of interest. Web users will find you when they make their queries on metasearch engines, such as Google. If you offer them content that answers their questions, they will naturally come to your website. You will have converted a stranger into a visitor to your website.
  • Inbound Marketing works. The Inbound methodology, also known as attraction marketing, consists of creating the right content for the right user at the right time and in the right channel. In this image you can see an outline of the Inbound methodology with the type of content we should offer at each stage of the buyer’s journey (buying process).


You can learn more about Inbound Marketing in this complete article ‘Inbound Marketing Guide’.

  • Includes a blog. The best way to work this content of interest to your users is through a blog. In your posts you will be able to work all the keywords that your potential patients use to make their queries in the network and, thus, appear with your posts in the first results.
  • Work your social networks. If you work on content but don’t promote it, don’t you think you are wasting your work? Share your posts on social networks, create a community where your patients feel part of a group.
  • Video marketing. Did you know that YouTube is the second most popular search engine? This social network is no longer considered as such by users, who have turned it into just another search engine. Being part of Google, it already offers video results based on the keywords used in a search. So, by working on a video marketing strategy and publishing SEO-optimized audiovisual content, you will be greatly increasing your chances of being found. In addition, users consume much better visual content, so you will also increase engagement and session time on your website. You can read more about testimonial video marketing in this article ‘Video marketing for your dental clinic, a safe bet’.

How do we convert our visitors into potential patients?

Once we have attracted web users to our website or blog, we want these visitors to become leads (sales opportunities, potential patients).


emailing-marketing-loyalty.pngGetting a lead means that a visitor to our website leaves us their contact information . In this way, we will be able to work campaigns of offers, email marketing, etc. and get them to become customers. This is a way to increase our database both in quantity and quality.


How do we get a user to leave us their contact information?

  • Offering downloadable content of interest. For example, a step-by-step manual for maintaining professional oral hygiene.
  • Offering an offer. For example, a discount code that you will receive in your e-mail after filling out a form.
  • Inviting you to subscribe to our newsletter. In this way, we will continue to offer you interesting content until you become a customer. We will remain in your mind as a reference clinic.
  • Creating an inquiry form. Another option is to create an online question-and-answer session. In this way, we will receive your email and other information in exchange for providing you with an answer to any questions you may have.

In short, we will get a lead when a user fills out a form from our website. If, for example, you fill out a form such as requesting an appointment online, what we will achieve is to close the conversion to customer. 

SEO positioning. Appears in the first results.

And, of course, none of the above will make sense if we do not focus on SEO positioning. All the content you work on the network must be optimized so that your potential patients, and not other users, are the ones who reach your content. Neither you nor they are interested in content ending up in the wrong hands.

Therefore, you must research very well who your target audience is (and create your buyer-persona profiles). By getting to know your potential patients, you can learn what needs and concerns they have and how they make these inquiries online. Then, you will give them the answer with the right keywords! You should also know which channels they are on (Facebook?, Twitter?, Youtube?).

If you want to start your Inbound Marketing strategy, the first thing you should do is to create your buyer-persona. We help you to do it, step by step, with these free templates that you can download from our website:


Still have doubts about why your website is not attracting new patients? You can request a free consultation now so that our experts can analyze your project and prepare a customized report.

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