Top 5 healthcare marketing trends in 2021

Online marketing has been key in 2020, a year that has marked a before and after and will influence healthcare marketing trends in 2021.

1. Greater user empowerment.

If user empowerment had been gaining ground as a trend, it is now a must-have concept in online marketing, especially for 2021 and beyond.

And as we had previously mentioned, in the healthcare sector users are taking more time to research on blogs and networks what causes certain symptoms they suffer from or problems they manifest, what are the causes and possible treatments, which clinics can help them and even if there is funding for their treatments.

However, today users have begun to demand more. It is no longer enough to create contrasted quality content that resolves these doubts. Now users have begun to demand not only content, but also greater involvement on the part of healthcare professionals with solutions tailored to their needs.

Now, these professionals must understand that the line separating customer service and marketing is beginning to blur, healthcare marketing must be increasingly more human, more personal, more niche. The experience offered to consumers must begin even before they arrive at the clinic.

And as you’ll see, the following trends are the key to carrying out this type of more user-centric marketing, one that allows you to empower and satisfy them in equal parts.

2.An increasingly creative content.

We know that content is fundamental to reach our potential customers and, specifically, to empower them at the moment they start making a purchase decision. But when we talk about a service, especially related to the healthcare sector, creativity starts to be a key factor.

This does not mean that you should pour all your resources into betting on more creative content and leave aside your blog posts and SEO marketing. These techniques are a fundamental basis for the long-term growth of your business. However, you need to start thinking about what type of content is most interesting to your potential customers and how you can deliver it.

Content in different formats.

On the one hand, you have the option of recycling the most informative, top-performing content and formatting it to be available on multiple platforms where your potential customers spend time.

For example, you can always reformulate the content of a post into a video for YouTube in which one of your clinic’s professionals explains the most important points, makes an explanation about a specific health problem, or elaborates answers to frequently asked questions related to a specific topic.

The time invested in the creation of this content is minimal, since it could have been previously raised as a publication or page on the web, and with new technologies it is possible to achieve the highest quality at a minimum cost. In addition, it should not be forgotten that the appearance of a professional either as author of the content or as spokesperson of the information, generates credibility and trust.

Information of greater value.

On the other hand, you can take to another level the success cases or study about your patients. Generally we see a before and after that, in most cases, is the ultimate incentive to motivate the user to request an appointment.

Think that many of your potential patients would like to know how the results of their treatment can evolve and, although it is not applicable in all cases, it can help users to trust your clinic even more if possible. At the end of the day, trust is fundamental and providing information about the success of a case in the medium or long term can help in the final decision, especially when the economic factor is being valued.


3. A commitment to collaborations.

On the one hand, relevant content is fundamental, but when it is contrasted by other professionals in the sector, or when it is one more piece in the solution to consumer problems and concerns, this content has exceptional power. On the other hand, the experience you offer must be tested and the users’ opinion will always have a greater value. That’s where collaborations come in.

With other healthcare professionals.

As you know, there are problems or concerns that can be addressed from different areas of healthcare,

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