What marketing looks like for companies with SaaS business model in 2018.

Many companies with a SaaS business model must become experts in digital marketing to profitably attract new customers, retain them and build customer loyalty so that the lifetime value of their customers improves in the long term. So what are the strategies that will help the most?

1. Content marketing

More and more B2B companies, including SaaS business models, are including content marketing as part of their overall strategy and are seeing the benefits of creating quality content. And is that content, created with clear marketing objectives, can not only generate more visits, but attract more sales opportunities and end customers.

That said, to perform content marketing you must be clear on several points: who are the target customers of the company, which we know as buyer personas; what type of content is the one that these buyers are looking for during their purchasing cycle as consumers; and last but not least, how you are going to “attack” the critical turns of their cycle with the creation of quality content (and educational).


The great example we can talk about is HubSpot. This all-in-one platform is one of the great providers of integrated software with which to perform all the online marketing strategies a company needs. They sell online marketing by executing a content-based marketing strategy brilliantly.

But not only HubSpot is a great example. Because we can also learn a lot from companies like Moz and SemRush and the creation of quality content. In their strategy we can see how, through blogging for example, they take to the letter the creation of educational as well as interesting content for their type of target audience. And not only do they use their blog as the only channel, but the content reaches us through such interesting formats as webinars.

Think again! If you want to attract more customers online stop thinking that ‘less is more’ and that users are only interested in images and design. Work the content through your different channels. And remember that quality information is reusable, not only in different formats, but also over time.

2. Partnership marketing

Have you thought about partnering with another company as part of your strategy? Leveraging the strengths of another business can help consolidate your own. The goal is to find a partner that will help you achieve your goals, without theirs competing directly. That is, the idea is to find a partner that complements your offer and with whom it is easy and safe to work.

When audiences are similar and values and work methodology are shared, but services do not compete with each other, alliances between companies can help increase the chances of getting more customers.

And it is not only possible to work together at the service or product creation level, but also to carry out marketing work that helps both. For example, in content creation link building is a great strategy that involves collaboration between companies and improves SEO. But also, companies can collaborate in the organization of seminars or webinars.

3. Loyalty and Referral marketing

If you think about it, the ideal in customer acquisition is to get their lifetime value to improve over time. When your customers purchase your technology services for the first time, your intention is to satisfy them in such a way that you can make an up-sell, and that they will also recommend your services to someone else.

Loyal customers are a smaller investment than the one made to attract potential customers. In addition, your loyal customers are at the same time the ideal candidates to promote your brand to unknown prospects. Referral and Loyalty marketing strategies can help you not only to increase your customer base, improving your visibility, but also to get these customers for a long time.

As we have said, loyal customers are the best promoters of a brand. And why not take advantage of this fact? If customers are satisfied with the services of your technology company, they will most likely have no problem recommending them, right?

And what if, when this also brings benefits for them? They will most likely be encouraged to recommend your products before and to more people.

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