The 5 online marketing mistakes you should avoid in 2018.

If in 2018 we want to succeed with our online marketing strategies we must stop making mistakes that have easy solutions. Do you know what?


1. Don’t rely on your buyer personas.

Don’t know what buyer personas are yet? Well, this is a concept that Inbound marketing has been able to enhance. Buyer personas are the representations of your different potential customers: with name, socio-demographic information, consumer preferences, etc. They are profiles of ‘personas’ that group together the most important characteristics of your real customers.


What information is important to create these profiles? We have been able to observe that there is no magic formula, as each company has different needs. But most profiles have information that refers to the interests, needs and desires of the consumers of your products and/or services. Do you know who they are? What they do? How can you help them?

Think that if buyer personas exist, it is because you have something that may be of interest to them. In cases where the buying process is more complex, you with your marketing actions will have to gain the trust of these characters with content that provides value. When they trust your brand is when they will be closer to making the purchase. And that decision-making process is known as buyer’s journey: knowledge, consideration and decision.

2. Do not do SEO for your buyer persona. 

As you can see we use the buyer persona concept again. These personas are the ones you must take into account in each of the online marketing strategies you implement for your company. And of course, search engine optimization is one of them. But beware! Although the concept seems to imply only an effort to position in search engines, the reality is different.

You most likely, if you have taken into account the SEO strategy, you have been using keywords to position your content in search engines. The problem with search engine optimization is that you can be working keywords without working the content well.

Now you have no excuse. Google’s new algorithm can identify the relevance of one of your pages if a group (of other pages) points to it. It is what is known as ‘topic cluster’ or group topics and consists of thinking not in keywords, but in the topics that can be related to each other. It is the new way to do SEO for your buyer persona. Because the truth is that you write for your potential consumers, not for robots, right?

What should you do?

  1. Create the right content, using the right keywords at each stage of the buyer’s journey. To do this, you need to take into account the needs of your buyer personas, where they are spending their time and sharing content (such as social media platforms), and what content format is most likely to attract (blogs, vlogs…).
  2. Create ‘topic clusters’, thinking about which page is the most important for your goals. Then all those publications (posts, pages, landing pages) that contain related and relevant topics for your buyer persona should have a link to your home page. This way you will be creating groups of relevant content for your potential consumers, as well as for Google. 

3. Not using the right email marketing strategy.

Sending the right email, to the right person, at the right time is not so easy. Again, you must rely on your buyer personas to send emails of value that are more likely to be opened. Because remember that email marketing, well done, is one of the strategies that get higher conversion (more sales opportunities) at a lower cost. And what should you do?

  1. Segmenting. Surely you have a list of contacts, right? Now, do you send the same email to everyone? If not, on what basis do you segment your contact lists? Do you know for sure that the content you send is of value to them? Have you analyzed the open rate of your emails? The answer to all this should be: I segment my contact list based on the preferences of my buyer personas at each stage of the buyer’s journey, so I know that the content I send is of value and the open rate of my emails is 25% on average.
  2. Personalize. Today there are many email marketing tools that allow you to personalize emails and subject lines automatically. Personalized emails addressed to segmented lists are more likely to be successful than those that do not follow these two criteria. The copy of your subject line and the
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