Get certified in content marketing by HubSpot

Do you want to become a content marketing expert? This is your moment and a great opportunity from Mallorca. Get certified for free with HubSpot.

We are already experts in content marketing and today we are going to give you a few tips to put into practice, tips that you will learn by yourself if you decide to take the course.


You may be wondering: Is inbound marketing and content marketing the same thing? The answer is no, it is not; and in this course you will understand why and learn curious tactics to create effective and efficient content, taking advantage of it and making the most of it.

This course consists of 10 lessons, each one made up of 3 videos that you can watch whenever you want and at your own pace.


Conten Marketing Video.png

These are the 10 units:

  1. Understanding Content Marketing
  2. The Power of Storytelling
  3. Generating Content Ideas
  4. Planning a Long-Term Content Strategy
  5. Building a Content Creation Framework
  6. Becoming an Effective Writer
  7. Extending the Value of Your Content Through Repurposing
  8. How to Effectively Promote Content
  9. Measuring and Analyzing Your Content
  10. Developing a Growth Marketing Mentality

We have learned many things in this course, such as the importance of creating a good story. Did you know that people don’t buy what you do or the service you provide, they buy why you do it? This is the theory of Simon Sinek, a former English advertising executive, writer and motivational speaker. Sinek is known for his curious golden circle theory.

What does the golden circle consist of?

The golden circle is a communication strategy that focuses on the order in which a story is told. The first point is the core, which is the why, then it moves to a higher radius, which is the how, and then to the what, located in the outskirts of the story.

Golden Circle


According to Sinek, most people communicate by starting with the “what” and then addressing the “how” and “why”. But companies that are universally identified as unique and successful, such as Google or Apple, follow a reverse strategy. They follow the circle from the inside out, starting with why, and then move on to talk about how and what.

But why is the order in which the story is told important? The answer is related to the parts of the brain. When we are talking about what we do, we are talking to an analytical part of the brain. But when you talk about why and how, you are communicating with feelings and human behavior. And remember, telling stories that impact and attract goes through touching the emotional side, really connecting with your prospects and customers. It is, no more and no less, the psychology of storytelling. Don’t you find it interesting?

In this course you will learn these techniques and many others that will help you create useful content, content that really engages your target and moves them from one stage of the inbound methodology to another.  You will also learn to theorize curious aspects and processes of content creation, such as the process of creating an idea.

Do you know where ideas come from?

In ancient times it was believed that the gods, specifically the muses, were responsible for our inspiration. But over the years this theory has evolved and, according to James Webb Young, an advertising executive, it is nothing more than a new combination of old elements. Young asserts that there is a concrete process with 4 distinct stages: collection of new material, digestion of the material, unconscious process and eureka moment.

Collection of material

Consume content of all types, related to the topics you need to address or unrelated. Read books, magazines, newspapers, talk to friends and get their opinion, watch TV, listen to the radio, consult the Internet… Gather raw material and soak up everything within your reach. A good creative is, without a doubt, a curious person.

Material digestion

In the second stage, analyze the material. The goal is to bring disparate ideas together and see how they fit. Look for relationships, connections and combinations. The goal is to synthesize ideas in interesting and compelling ways. Consider all information collected from all possible angles.

Unconscious process

Disconnect. Yes, yes. Stop thinking and distract yourself. Listen to music, play sports… Don’t force your mind because the big moment is about to arrive and, we assure you, it comes when you least expect it.

Eureka moment

…And voila! Suddenly, and seemingly out of nowhere, an idea will pop into your head. Maybe it’s while brushing your teeth or cooking a fried egg. But be careful, when that happens, be sure to write it down. Surely millions of ideas have come to nothing because someone thought they would remember them and have ended up on the great planet of forgotten thoughts.


Now that you know the 4 stages, it is important to be aware of where you are when generating ideas. This way, you will work better in each process and improve your work performance, for sure!

If you found these content marketing course notes interesting, wait to take the full course. You can do it from Mallorca. We have already done it and, from experience, we assure you that it is really worth it. Invest in yourself and your career by learning the latest digital marketing practices. Join more than 50,000 professionals who are already HubSpot Academy certified.

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