Internationalize your SMB with HubSpot | Amara marketing engineering

HubSpot is the solution, the platform that integrates the tools for the diversification and internationalization of your SME's commercial strategy.

To do so, you need to adopt a proactive approach, because companies that do not try to work international markets become more vulnerable and less competitive in the long run. If you play your cards right, the internationalization process can be a success, taking advantage of growing demand in other markets.

Many SMEs, which have managed to get out of the recession through good business practices, have opted for Inbound marketing. This recent online marketing methodology is fully adapted to new consumer trends. A profitable methodology, because although its results are not immediate, in the medium term sales opportunities can increase by more than 60%.


Their philosophy is to create content that your potential customers will love, taking advantage of digital technology to measure results and know the ROI. Because to manage costs, increase your marketing reach and ensure that your customers can find your products and services, you need to integrate online tools that help you automate marketing workflows for profit.

And wouldn’t it be ideal to be able to integrate all the tools into a single platform?

The solution lies with HubSpot, the platform that integrates the tools your SMB needs to make the implementation of Inbound marketing campaigns simple, and the benefits obtained through new customers, real. And how does it achieve this?

HubSpot tools for SMBs

1. With the construction of a website that attracts visitors.

HubSpot has reformulated the popular CMS (content management system) with online marketing and SEO (search engine optimization) best practices in mind. That is, with the integration of a combined COS tool (content optimization system), it is possible for SMEs to create a website that also integrates a blog section and a social media campaign.

2. With the tracking, segmentation and conversion of leads.

This platform integrates a CRM (customer relationship management system) with which you can track the actions of visitors, potential customers (leads) and customers on the web. In addition, HubSpot brings together the efforts of the sales and marketing departments, since the objectives are common.

And if that were not enough, this platform makes it possible with Smart Content, to manage and customize the content that best suits the needs of potential customers who enter the web. For example, with the use of intelligent CTA’s and landing pages with adaptive forms; with the personalization of emails; and with the possibility of customizing the home page of your website based on the user’s preferences.

3. With the automation and analysis of marketing actions.

Marketing automation is a fundamental process of the Inbound methodology for your SME because it makes it possible to initiate a workflow. Therefore, this platform facilitates the automation of different marketing processes to control specific tasks: generating automatic responses to new leads, informing or sending content, etc.

Also, the analysis of results is basic for SMEs. To maximize your budget, you need to know if your ROI is adequate and if your business’ online efforts are paying off. For this, HubSpot’s built-in analytics are ideal, as they combine easy-to-track data across different marketing channels, allowing you to modify actions based on your company’s needs.

4. With the training of your professionals.

An SME could not progress without the professionals who are part of it. Choosing qualified and professionally motivated employees and investing in their training is essential. With HubSpot, training your employees is also easy. It includes an academic section that not only trains you in the best practices of Inbound marketing and the use of the platform, but also diversifies the academic content according to the needs of each department of your company.

HubSpot, in short, facilitates the work of SMEs that need to internationalize through the Internet. With the continuous analysis offered by this platform of the actions developed by all the tools it integrates, it is possible (with figures and graphs) to have a follow-up of the activity and the real development of your company in other markets.

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