Advantages of online marketing for SMEs | Amara marketing

Get to know the online marketing solutions in Mallorca with which you will be able to measure yourself against your biggest competitors.

Who told you that a small company can’t keep up with the big guys? Bullshit! The Internet has changed everything.

Four advantages of digital marketing for small and medium-sized companies

Dress to kill: digital marketing at your fingertips

And the fact is that on the Internet we are all equal. We have at our fingertips so many online tools and platforms, that now what is more important is to give it to the brain, not to give it to the pocket.


Just because digital marketing is cheaper than traditional marketing doesn’t mean it’s worse. On the contrary, it is a way to personalize advertising for our target, segmenting customers.

The difference is that the Internet is a free platform per se and does not require a costly medium, such as print or television advertising, which is what makes traditional marketing expensive.

Grow up! Analyze, measure and contrast.

Do you know what is the ROI?

Return on Investment. On the Internet, everything is measurable. You can measure the performance you have obtained from a specific advertising campaign. And you must.

This didn’t happen when you invested in a billboard or a TV commercial. Your sales might increase but you never knew for sure where your customers were coming from and why profit was increasing or decreasing.

Have you heard of A/B Testing?

And now we can not only measure, we can test. A/B testing consists of launching two versions of the same online element and analyzing which one works better.

A quick example: If you have a shopping cart on your website, you probably also have a call-to-action (a call-to-action button such as “Add to cart”).

An A/B test would consist of changing the texts or graphics of this call-to-action and launching the two versions. We would then analyze which one has worked best or if the user has not opted for any particular one.

You should never make more than one change at a time in an A/B test, since in this way we would not be able to know what has been the reason for the increase in clicks, if any.

 Being able to measure and test online campaigns is a great advantage for SMEs.Face to face: build customer loyalty

An SME is the ideal environment for building customer loyalty so that customers never leave.

Being a small company you have all the facilities to deal personally with the user. You must know the voice of your customer on the other end of the phone.

Personalized selling is increasingly valued. Take advantage of your natural resources!

There are tools that will help you with these processes more than economically. Choose one loyalty tool for SMEs or opt for email marketing.

For example, Mailchimp is a tool that will allow you to segment your database and send mailings in an easy and attractive way. It has a free version and a premium paid upgrade.

One of the advantages of digital marketing for SMEs is the wide variety of free tools available.

And don’t forget the power of social media. The Hootsuite tool (among others) can help you to schedule your publications in the different social media. Take advantage of it!

Go to upstairs! Position yourself as a benchmark company

Don’t know how? Simply tells the web how much you know about your industry. The best thing to do is to open a blog section on your website and schedule a publication calendar (one post a week is enough to start with).

Nobody knows your customers and their needs in Mallorca better than you do. Write about it!

And do you know what will happen then? If you do it right and follow the right content marketing strategies , when a potential customer searches for a question about your industry on Google, your post will pop up!

It’s a way for them to get to know you as an expert company and, if one day they decide to buy a product like yours, they will most likely come to you.

Finally, one more secret . Say goodbye to the cold door. Get to know Inbound Marketing

Inbound is marketing focused on being found by the customer. You must create content that your audience likes, so that they can find you through search engines like Google.

In Inbound Marketing it is very important to know your buyer and offer them content of their interest, without selling them your product directly.

It is the opposite of the invasive banners to which we are so accustomed and towards which we have already developed an advertising blindness. In Hubspot’ s blog you can find a lot of information about it.

Inbound Marketing allows you to engage customers without being intrusive.

What can Hubspot do for an SME? 

It is impossible to talk about all that online marketing offers to companies in Mallorca in just one post. And although we will be writing other posts on this topic on Amara’s blog, we also recommend you to read the book Marketing for Dummies, by Patricia de Andrés. Let us know what you thought?

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