Position your website for all Google formats

Do you know all the positioning strategies in Google? Do you know how to stand out in Google Images or Google Videos? Find out more in this post by Amara.

Google is not just a web link search engine, it has long since stopped offering only text-based results. Google is currently a search engine for images, videos, maps and much more. Is your SEO strategy prepared for all formats?


Google’s goal has always been and will always be the satisfaction of its users. Google helps companies, but only if they work their web content correctly.
web content
. Face it, you’re not Google’s priority. The engine will always work in favor of its users and will modify its guidelines as often as users modify their search style.

Positioning in Google Images

Google has long since realized that many users expect search results directly in image format. In addition, studies support that attractive images are received and processed more easily than text.

Google’s first step was to present image results at the top of the page and, over time, developed what we know today as Google Images

Are you working on the SEO of your web images and/or posts? Make sure that all images on your website and blog include in their ALT (alternative text) the keyword you want to rank for. And much more than that, the file itself that is stored on your computer or server should also have the keyword in its name.

Make sure, above all, that to correctly position those images related to products. For example, if you have a business selling home furnishings and someone searches for: ‘Buy black three-seater sofa’, you will be interested that in the first results appear images of your black three-seater sofas.

If the user clicks on the image, it is possible that he/she will also be directed to your website, where he/she will become a visitor and, with good content, you can even get a lead or a direct purchase.

It is important to use high quality images and attractive and, of course, positioned by specifickeywords: sofa + black + three seater (3 seater).


Positioning in Google Videos

If at the time the images were the main attraction for users, the video, if possible, has become even more relevant. This format allows the user to learn and be informed in a quick and easy way, without the effort of reading and obtaining more information than an image can offer.

Of course, Google immediately noticed this trend and was quick to react. So it is not surprising that the search engine also gives preference to audiovisual results if the user’s query requires it. At this point, also work on your keywords and the quality of your videos (as well as their optimization) following good SEO practices and depending, of course, on your product.

It is important to take into account the fact that Youtube is already part of Google. So work to perfection your positioning and keywords in the audiovisual search engine par excellence. This SEO work will also be reflected in Google Videos and users will find you more easily and in first positions.

The next change: voice search.

Voice search will change SEO positioning.  Users have changed the way they ask Google. And the verb preguntar is not chosen at random, since is the format par excellence in this type of verbal query.

Users tend to search by voice recognition in question format: ‘What are the best Japanese restaurants in Madrid’, so you should take into account this new search trend and work your content (in all formats) to answer these questions.

This means working with more natural content, in line with this new way of conversing with users.

One last piece of advice. Generate more specific content.

With each passing day, Google is becoming a little less robotic and users are conversing with the search engine with less marked language. The short-tail-keywords (or short-tail keywords) no longer work optimally.

Users themselves have become more specific in their searches and, as a result, they also expect answers that are much closer to their needs. Gone are the days of simple searches such as, for example, ‘socks’. Now Google is asked for more specific products or information: ‘fancy socks for babies’.

That is why your SEO positioning strategy must take into accountlong-tail keywords (orlong-tail keywords). This change also favors your business, since you may not be interested in appearing in such general searches that will not bring you profit.

Short-tail-keywords can bring you wrong traffic, users who will quickly abandon your page. This action will be telling to Google that your content was not appropriate and the engine may penalize you and relegate you to later results. And this does not interest you.

This point is also extremely important for your SEM campaigns. Why would you want to pay for a click that will not convert? The more targeted your campaigns are, the more likely you are to hit the searches that Google shows you in.

Don’t forget to also position yourself by location if your business needs it. For example, why attract international visitors if you only sell your product in Spain?

Finally, if you want to learn more, in this post you will find five free and certified courses on content marketing and Inbound Marketing offered by the HubSpot platform.

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