Video marketing, the new business card

Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to invite our customers to get to know us in a quick and attractive way.

Through a video, you can make yourself known, tell the story of your company, explain success stories, present products and services or even describe instructions for use or processes, such as how to make an online purchase on your website.


Video as a marketing tool has revolutionized the market. Figures confirm that 75% of the people who watch your video will subsequently visit your website. We don’t say so, the latest studies say so. Doesn’t that seem like a good enough reason to make a corporate video? If we continue with figures, every day 100 million Internet users watch a video and in 2018 it is estimated that online video will account for 84% of all Internet traffic. This is the trend.

 But do you know what types of video exist? Broadly speaking, we could divide the videos into two main groups: those that are assembled with recorded images or those that are created by animation. In both cases, you must start with an original idea and develop a script.


Videos with recorded images

The production process for the creation of this type of video is more complex. You need to specify the location, the characters, the make-up, the costumes, the actions, the dialogues... You need to have the right technical equipment and shoot it. After that, the video editing and sound editing must be done.




Animation videos

It is a digital animation video with movement. They are very creative, fun and original. The first step is to define the aesthetics of the characters and make a storyboard. The next step is to design what each screen will look like, the message it will convey and what animation it will have. One of the most popular techniques is based on motion graphics. This 2D animation is used to explain complicated processes that are difficult to capture in real images.





Whatever you choose, a video with recorded or animated images must always comply with the Success rule. A corporate video should be:

S -> Simple

U -> Unnexpected

C -> Concrete

C -> Credible

E -> Emotional

S -> Storytelling

S -> Smile


It should be simple, uncomplicated, and brief. Ideally, it should last about two minutes.


It must contain surprising elements, either in the script (voice-over) or the image. Unexpected moments that cause expectation and attract attention.


The script must be clear and concrete. With sentences with subject, verb and predicate. In a written text, it is easy to look back and reread a sentence. This action is more difficult to carry out with a video. Therefore, you must be concrete.


Credibility and transparency are some of the main characteristics you should convey in your corporate video.


The emotional component in a video is also a very important factor. It will help us to keep the attention and make our brand stand out in the public’s mind.


It is the magic that is generated in each story that helps to retain the information in the memory. Be original, but without exaggeration, and try to captivate your audience.


It is important that the video ends in a sympathetic, empathetic way.

A video multiplies engagement, improves SEO, increases conversion and the interaction of your followers on social networks. It has only advantages. Make your corporate video marketing your new business card and stand out from the competition.

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