Web design best practices for SMEs and designers

Discover the best practices of web design for your SME. Follow these tips whether you are a manager or a designer to ensure the success of your website.

1. Demand and offer a pitch according to your position.

It may seem obvious, but the truth is that not all projects start with a good pitch. The rush and, sometimes, lack of communication can lead to omit a step as important as the description of the needs of the SME when carrying out a design for your website. And this step is fundamental. In fact, it is the one that can avoid problems in the future and ensure that deadlines are met.

For this reason, if you are the director or digital manager of the same, or you are the web designer who will perform the masterpiece you must make known or demand the important details to ensure that the web design is appropriate, that respects the image and values of the brand and, especially, that the design is aligned with business objectives.

2. Take into account the main marketing and sales objectives.

A website is the digital showcase of a business, capable of guaranteeing new customers and satisfying old ones. For this reason, when creating a website it is essential to have clear business objectives and to take into account which strategic actions can lead to higher conversions and improved online reputation. Whether it is the presentation of the right content, the different subscriptions, or a selection of organized products, we must consider that design is only one part, albeit an important part, of an overall strategy.

Does this mean that creativity and design are dead? Not at all, but we must remember that a website, if it is created for the purpose of attracting customers and even directly selling the products of a business, must not only be designed respecting the brand image, but also according to a series of marketing and sales objectives. And, actually, this can involve much more creativity on the part of the designer as long as the web is created from the perspective of Growth-Driven Design.

And what is Growth-Driven Design? Unlike traditional designs in which a web design or redesign project can take months and the changes are minimal over the next 3 to 5 years, Growth-Driven Design allows, roughly speaking, to make a basic design based on the main objectives and expand this design according to the needs of the SME.

Growth-Driven Design is a working methodology with which it is possible to make improvements to the website without investing a lot of resources to change it completely. This involves having an ah-doc design and starting with the most relevant parts to meet short-term objectives and then making adjustments and adding elements and sections in a staggered manner based on an analysis of performance and web conversion.

growth-driven design scheme

And for this reason, we consider that the designer’s creativity is fundamental, since he has to contemplate an agile and adaptable website that not only aligns with the business objectives at every moment, but also allows optimizations without affecting the user’s experience on the web. For this reason, as we discussed in the first point, it is essential to make a pitch and take into account a number of key points that we will discuss below:

3. Know who the buyer personas of the business are.

You’re probably already tired of hearing it, but we can’t fail to mention the importance of buyer persona profiling for any strategic marketing and sales decision, including web design. If you are the person in charge of the web project in the SME, you must be able to convey to the designer the essence of each buyer profile of your company and be sure to explain what their buying cycle is like.


Why is it interesting for a designer to know what the buyer personas of the business are? Unlike the target concept, the buyer persona is much more specific about what the buyer’s needs are according to the buying stage they are in. This information can help the designer to highlight the most important information or functionalities of certain pages of the website and take into account the preferences of different socio-demographic sectors in terms of color, fonts, icons, images…

4. Do not forget the importance of functionality and content.

As we said at the beginning, to ensure the best performance of a website, the fundamental triad is that of ‘co

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