5 tools for automating your hotel’s social networks

Social networks are a powerful weapon to communicate with your guests. Here are 5 tools to automate your social media publications.

Especially among
millennial tourists
especially among millennial tourists, social networks are the perfect place to capture their attention. In fact, these tourists between the ages of 25 and 35 spend much of their time browsing and communicating through social media. That’s why you want to and should be there.

But in this post we don’t want to talk about the importance of social networks for your hotel, but about how to make it easier for you to interact in these new media and analyze the results of your actions. Here are five valuable tools that will save you a lot of time and tell you if you are on the right track.


an exclusive tool for Twitter

It is a free tool to automate Twitter posts only. It is a very simple and intuitive tool. TweetDeck works with a customizable column system. You choose which columns you want to keep (direct messages, scheduled messages, account activity…), depending on your interests.

Although it is a tool limited to the 140-character social network, if you have or want to gain influence on Twitter, do not hesitate to create a TweetDeck account and start off on the right foot today.


If this, then that’, ‘If this, then that’, ‘If this, then that’, ‘If this, then that

IFTTT is not exactly a tool for automating publications on social networks, but it can be very interesting for scheduling certain actions on social media. With the ‘If this, then that’ motif, you can work with premises such as, for example, ‘If a photo is posted on my hotel’s Instagram account, then have the same image automatically posted on Twitter’.

IFTTT works with what are called ‘recipes’ and its utilities extend beyond social networks. It’s a fun and technical way to work. If you are a lover of logic, do not hesitate to test with IFTTT. You can combine this tool with other tools specialized in performance analytics.


, program publications on Instagram

Schedugram allows you to manage multiple Instagram accounts at the same time. This tool has very diverse options, among others, schedule the uploading of images or videos or make the publication at the moment. You can manage several accounts at the same time from a calendar in the tool itself.

Schedugram is not a free tool, but its costs depend on the volume of your followers. The fewer followers you have, the less a Schedugram account will cost you.

Schedugram web.jpg

URL shortener and publication analytics

Bitly was originally born as a URL shortener. It was the perfect tool to give you a much shorter link to use in your social media posts. Especially on Twitter, where space, as you know, is much more limited.

But over time it has evolved and has become a good tool to analyze the success of your publications. How does Bitly work? When shortening a URL from Bitly, the new link is left with the Bitly tag. Therefore, Bitly is then able to identify the link of your post and analyze what response it has had among your users, such as the number of clicks.


the complete package for your content marketing

HubSpot is not a tool to be used only in its functions with social networks, but it is the complete combo for your content marketing strategy.

In its social media section, HubSpot will allow you to include any type of social network to be automated from the tool itself. You will be able to schedule publications in the different social networks linked to one or several accounts or make instant publications.

If you have a blog or website also linked to HubSpot, you will be able to include links and images from these pages or posts, thus seeing the results of views of your publications (how many views from social networks, how many from direct traffic, etc.).

In addition, HubSpot offers you in its social networks section an analysis of the number of clicks on the links of your publications in the different social media (if you have included a link) and the interactions (recommendations or shares) including information on the users who have made them.


Do not hesitate to investigate which will be the best option for your equipment. Being able to schedule the publications of your hotel’s social networks can be a great help in your day to day. As you know, your profiles must be kept active in order to work and your users must want to follow you. It is normal not to have time every day to dedicate to the social profiles of your hotel and much less to have constant attention, but with this type of tools you will be able to successfully work your campaigns in the most comfortable way.

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