The best hotel blogs and how to make them successful

Achieving success with a blog is not an easy task. Today, many people are looking for their place in the network. Here are 4 examples of successful hotel blogs.

How many times have we heard the phrase ‘paper is dead’? And although the situation is not so drastic and from time to time we like to have in our hands a good travel guide, it is true that The Internet has become the number one source of information for several years now, especially among younger people (between 18 and 29 years old), according to a study by the Pew Research Center. And now the question is, are you correctly working the online marketing for your hotel?

In 2016, the cell phone already surpassed the computer as the main device for accessing the Internet, according to data from the 16th edition of the report The Information Society in Spain. These figures show that it is necessary to have a presence in the online world and be more than prepared for responsive design, that is, that our website or blog is seen perfectly from the device that is visited.


And what about the tourism sector? Internet users consult the Internet, not only to plan their trips, but also to discover the latest trends and fashionable destinations. All this information is just a click away from travelers. Becoming a source of tourist information for your potential guests will help you stay in their minds. This way, they will keep you in mind when they make the decision to travel to your destination and need to book a hotel stay.

In addition, a blog will help you to better position your website (and your booking engine). This way, you will be found more easily among your potential customers.

There are so many blogs out there, so you need to take your content marketing strategy seriously from the very beginning. Your goal will be to stand out from the competition, and the four hotel blogs below have done just that. Take a good example!

NH Hoteles, a blog of plans and tips

This hotel chain has been able to reach a wide audience. By presenting diverse topics related to the travel industry, NH Hoteles reaches a very broad target audience thanks to the wide variety of interests and needs addressed in its publications.

If you are a traveler with a pet or you are worried about going on vacation with your children, you will find your post of tips and solutions in the NH Hoteles blog.

If, on the other hand, you want to take advantage of the month of December to visit different Christmas markets, you will also find destinations and routes on their website. Destinations where to make a getaway with friends, selection of the coldest, most beautiful villages, more… NH Hotels knows how to position itself according to the searches of its audience.

By dealing with such a wide range of topics, this chain opens up to a much wider audience that may find your blog in a search that has nothing to do with planning a trip at that very moment, but that will stay in their mind for future plans.

Another feature of the NH Hoteles blog is the timeliness of its posts. They take advantage of important dates to attract a more targeted audience to their blog. The Fiestas del Pilar in Zaragoza, the Oktoberfest or the Open House Madrid are just some of these examples. NH Hoteles knows that a few days before these events or parties, Internet users will search for them on Google. That is why they decide to go ahead and position themselves for these keywords

NH Hoteles Blog

Vincci Hotels, Travel. Lives. Vincci.

The Vincci Hoteles chain does not hesitate to use its blog as a channel to show the advantages of staying in one of its hotels. Although a large part of their posts are related to the services of their hotels, they do not hesitate to relate their offer to the demand that arises from different parties or important events.

For example, a post titled ‘Savor the Fiestas del Pilar in the restaurant of Vincci Zaragoza Zentro 4*’ seeks to both present your hotel in this city and capture traffic of a public that wishes to travel to Zaragoza during its emblematic festivities or simply go out to dinner at a special place on that day.

They also take advantage of their blog to attract participants in their sweepstakes and contests or to deal with more general topics, although related in part to the world of tourism.

In short, Vincci Hoteles does not hesitate to highlight its virtues and achievements, but at the same time works on keywords and themes that attract a wider audience who, upon arriving at its website, will already be tempted to to get lost among the advantages of staying at Vincci Hoteles.

Vincci Hotels Blog

Marriott, Travel Brilliantly

The very title of Marriott’s blog makes us imagine what our experience will be like while browsing the site: ‘Travel Brilliantly’. The Marriott chain’s blog is pure innovation and image.

With great audiovisual content, Marriott wants to reach its potential customers in a very special and distinguished way. It also involves its readers in the ‘Your ideas’ section. Marriott looks to its guests to inspire you.

As they highlight on their blog homepage, Marriott seeks to change the future of travel: ‘We’re changing the future of travel.’ How? Through innovation.

His posts introduce with phrases like ‘It’s like having the concierge in your pocket’ or ‘Marriott’s first-ever virtual travel experience’. Both its content and its images and videos make it very clear what the objective and main theme of the blog is: innovation in the tourism sector. And how they attract!

Marriot Travel Brilliantly Blog

Meliá Cuba, all about the largest island in the Antilles

The Meliá hotel chain is undoubtedly one of the most internationalized. Therefore, it is not surprising that they have specialized blogs on their different destinations.

Today we would like to highlight Meliá Cuba’s blog. Full of color and stunning images, this blog is a true guide for those who are planning to travel to this country.

In Meliá Cuba’s blog you can find posts about routes and the best Cuban cities to visit, as well as tips and advice on how to plan your trip, which is very popular among Internet users, since traveling to Cuba requires a great deal of preparation beforehand.

Reading Meliá Cuba’s posts, you’ll get lost among the streets of Havana and you won’t be able to avoid planning a stay in their hotels in the country.

Meliá Cuba Blog

Do you want to have a blog as successful as the ones we have presented today? The first step is to work on your Inbound Marketing strategy. Starting with who your buyer-persona is and going through keyword research, Inbound Marketing will help you to know the interests and needs of your ideal audience and to be found in their searches.

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