SEO Guide IV. Optimize content for SEO. Write for your readers.

Not everything you hear about Google ranking is true. Today we debunk some myths about positioning your SEO content on your pages.

How do they offer such veracity? In two aspects. On the one hand, if your content is of quality, they will spend more time browsing your page, they will come back to visit you and, surely, they will want to download some of the content you offer them or they will want to receive your newsletter in their email. So they will become leads and probably customers in the medium term.

But, on the other hand, by performing all these actions, you will show Google that your content is of quality, that it is truthful and interesting for users. So the search engine will give you its ‘stamp’ of relevance and will position you in better results. This will make your relationship with Google stable in the long run. That’s the real reason to work a quality content.


So don’t forget, optimize content for Google SEO, but write for the users. They are your real readers.

What is keyword density? Do not saturate the user!

Once again, we are faced with the disparity between writing for Google and making ourselves understood by our users. There are theories and advice that insist on repeating ad nauseam the keywords used in your texts. What is the mainkeyword? Then repeat it so many times. What about high school? So many other repetitions.

Do you want to know a great truth? In the end, Google will rank you for the keywords it finds convenient! What can we give you clues about what we are talking about? Of course you can, but it is possible that in some of your articles you may be surprised to see that you are ranking for a keyword that you didn’t even work that hard on, and that’s not a bad thing! In the end, it’s your content. In addition, Google may penalize you if you repeat your content too much, since it will notice that it is an artificial text designed only for positioning and not for the reader.

So please write for your readers, not for Google. Keep SEO in mind, of course, but your ultimate goal is users who are interested in reading your content.

Your keywords and their synonyms. Google understands them!

Did you know that Google is able to understand the variants and synonyms of your keywords? This will allow you to work on the content you want to position in a much more natural way.

As we have already said, it is possible that your pages appear positioned for other keywords that you had not worked on, or on which you had not focused so much. Just make sure Google understands you well. For example, do not include advertising that has nothing to do with your content, or do not introduce articles that are outside your subject matter.

In the end, whoever enters your page is because they are interested in the content you are working on. If you want to talk about other topics, do it on another website.

Google offers variants in its searches.

How many words should your content have?

I’m sure you have asked yourself more than once: are my articles too short? Am I writing long texts that my users will not read? Does Google take into account the length of my texts to rank my pages?

We will clarify some of these doubts. Logically, the longer your content is, the more keywords it will include and, therefore, the more likely it is to rank. And it is true. But you should not fill in paragraphs just for the sake of it. If you have something to say, do it, offer new content of interest to your users. But if one day the subject you are dealing with is not enough, nothing happens. Close with a period and that’s it.

If you include uninteresting, repetitive and boring content, the only thing you will get is that your users will leave your website and this will penalize you in front of Google.

As we discussed in our post SEO Guide III, both Google and your users like images and videos. They make the text breathe, let the eyes rest and, in addition, a good video will make your readers stay longer on your page, making you gain relevance in front of Google. Keep it in mind for your next articles!

Bold and italics, a myth to debunk

I’m sure that more than once you have also heard that bold type tells Google what is the most important content in your article. This is not true. The
header tags
The header tags, keyword optimization, etc. are the points that will help you to rank, but the words highlighted in bold will not do it at all.

Should you use them? Of course it is. This type of format helps reading, improves the user’s UX(user experience) and, again, the happier our reader is with the content, the longer he will stay on our website and, therefore, Google will reward us with better positions.

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