Guide to generate visits to your hotel website. Step by step.

A website without visitors is like a cozy house whose front door has no doorknob. Therefore, we bring you the guide to increase your hotel's web traffic.

Optimize your website for search engines.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of improving a website to attract more visitors from search engines. This is a fundamental step that you cannot miss, since search engines investigate the keywords of your pages to know what is in them. And what are the best techniques? Use keywords, create content around them, optimize all your pages and others are the most important practices that you can check by performing this test.

Create content with a purpose

Nowadays there are no space limitations to deliver your message, especially if you use the Internet. However, there is so much information on the web that capturing the attention of your potential customers can be a problem. And what is the attention called? Creating content. Content is the message that your Inbound strategy delivers to your visitors, leads, customers and promoters.


There are many ways to deliver that message, but first you need to think about the right content. And in the Attraction stage of this methodology, content is what your blog posts, your videos, your web pages and what you post on social networks consist of. A hotel that wants to create valuable content for its future customers has to engage in a four-step content process:

1. Content planning.

  • The purpose. All content planning starts with a purpose, it has to have an objective. The purpose of your hotel’s web content, in this case, is to attract strangers.

  • The format can be very diverse: videos, posts, infographics, guides, maps, eBooks, check lists, etc. Keep in mind that the same message can be transmitted through different formats but the best is when it is adapted to the consumer preferences of the users in order to satisfy them. The information present in the content is what helps people achieve their goals and its design is what makes it more accessible and attractive.

  • The theme is one of the most important parts. The best content is content that prospects want to read, share and return to. Base your blog on your potential customers’ needs for travel planning information and not on your product or services that should only be on the product pages. Remember that you sell experiences, which is what today’s travelers are asking for. To get a more precise idea of the topics they may be interested in, you can do keyword research, look at forums, social networks, FAQs and know their objectives.

2. Content creation.

Always focus on the content for your buyer personas and where they are in their Traveler’s Journey. The buyer persona is the prospect you are trying to capture, generating educational and valuable content. And the Traveler’s Journey allows you to customize content based on the stage of the buyer persona‘s journey. In other words, it allows you to direct the content in a more accurate way to meet their needs at each stage (dreaming, planning and booking). Remember that the more specific the content, the better. This will attract more qualified visitors who are more likely to become customers.

Also, less is more. Keep in mind that when people plan their trips, they don’t usually have a lot of time for research. Google calls these times micro-moments. Remember that it is important that your content is easy to consume by focusing on being concise while still using an attractive format. And the most frequently consumed format is video.

3. Content distribution.

Your content is only as relevant as its distribution. For example, it is not enough to create a post for your blog if people are not going to be able to find it through organic search. Help SEO with good distribution practices by spending as much time promoting your content as you do creating it. The right distribution technique puts the right content to the right person at the right time.

Think that most of the time users (and your potential guests) spend on the Internet is on social networks. And if you want these potential customers to reach your website you have to promote your content on platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter.

4. Analysis.

In an effective Inbound strategy it is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of the content and keywords that your buyer personas use to find you. This is an essential step. In fact, before starting the process again, make sure it is working well and where you can improve. Because the next step is to pick up everything you have learned from the analysis, repeat what is working and stop doing what is not.

The measurement criteria to be taken into account may be: the number of visits; the leads generated; the social influence and how many times your content has been shared on the networks; the number of inbound links to build authority; and the fulfillment of content expectations by topic or format.


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