The 6 W’s of workflows. The Marketing Automation of your hotel.

Do you know what workflows are? And how can they help you with communication with your potential guests? Learn all about Automation Markerting.

There are many ways to work with workflows, but today we will focus on their role in automating processes to improve the performance of the hotel industry and, consequently, guest satisfaction.

WHAT. What is a workflow?

A workflow is the structuring of a series of tasks that will determine which actions will go into an activity or process, in what order they will be carried out and under what conditions. In Spanish they are also known as workflows.


An effective workflow should consist of three main steps:

1. Decide who to include in the workflow. Which contacts from your database will enter the process.

2. Determine what goal you want to achieve. Increase your sales? Collect more information about your potential guests?

3. Think and design what the process will look like and in what sequence the tasks will be carried out.

WHEN. When to use workflows?

Workflows are used to automate processes. A workflow will help you not to worry and not to have to be aware when you have to perform several tasks and their consequences.

For example, when you need to schedule the sending of an email and, after that, the sending of other emails according to the feedback. feedback received by the recipients (for example, depending on whether or not they have clicked on a CTA in the first email), the workflow will split your contact list according to these conditions. And so on with as many actions as you want.

User X was not interested in the downloadable information you sent him/her? So, don’t send it again! Try a different type of content. On the other hand, maybe this same user has been interested in some specific articles on your blog. Then offer him more information about it!

A good CRM that includes workflows will allow you to work in a simple and fast way all these premises.


WHERE. Where to use workflows?

There are many software that allow workflows to be performed but, taking into account the activity of a tourist establishment, the ideal is to have this type of tool included in a powerful CRM.

For example, HubSpot is a CRM software for your hotel that has the option of workflows. By integrating CRM tools with workflows, the possibilities are endless, since you only have to create the sequence of tasks and their premises. The CRM itself will be in charge of managing your contacts according to the conditions indicated. It couldn’t be easier.

WHY. Why use workflows?

It is a way to work with many processes at the same time, avoiding manual errors and, of course, saving a lot of time.

But, at the end, the most important thing is that workflows will allow you to offer a more personalized communication to the contacts in your database, avoiding sending repetitive information or information that you already know is not interesting.

Personalized content has long since ceased to be simply calling the user by name. Now we must deliver the right content to the right user at the right time. We must understand in which cycle of the
traveller’s journey
and offer them information of interest that will add value and help them in their purchase cycle.

WHO. Advantages of workflows for the tourism sector.

The tourism sector is one of the sectors that can most benefit from the use of workflows. A hotel’s contact portfolio is usually very broad and changing.

In this context, it is very difficult for a tourist establishment to maintain a personalized communication designed for each user. Workflows (and, of course, CRM) will help to maintain these one-on-one conversations with the user, without losing quality in the relationship and offering immediate responses. Think that workflows don’t have a schedule, they are working 24 hours a day for you.

HOW. How to use workflows? Lead Nurturing.

As we have already mentioned, one of the objectives of working with workflows is the satisfaction of users thanks to the delivery of personalized content tailored to their interests.

By personalizing and contextualizing content, we are working on the Lead Nurturing process, that is, building relationships with users during their buying cycle, regardless of what stage they are at in their
buyer’s journey
they are.

workflows hubspot.png

How can you create Lead Nurturing through
Marketing Automation
? The options are endless, as many as your ingenuity and your CRM software or workflows allow. For example:

– You can leave automated personalized responses based on the content a user downloads or reads on your blog.

– Or automate an action for the future. For example, user Y has downloaded a travel guide to your city. You can leave a schedule that, after two days of this download, an email will be sent to you with an offer about it.

– Automate one or another task taking into account certain criteria. For example, users who clicked on this link and/or received this particular email will receive a free destination guide in their email.

Your contacts want an immediate response and you must give it to them. How? Today we have already given you several hints for this, take advantage of them!


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