Improve closing ratios

When it comes to close rates, quantity is just as important as quality. Your company can have a great website that performs well and generates lots of leads, but if those leads don't convert into sales, it's time to review your strategy.

Dado que la cantidad de clientes potenciales (leads) no indica cuántos de ellos procederán en el buyer’s journey para realizar una compra, es importante obtener clientes potenciales valiosos que tengan más probabilidades de convertirse en clientes. El proceso de mejorar las tasas de cierre de cualquier negocio requiere un conjunto de acciones adaptadas a tus necesidades, audiencia específica, recursos y estructura del

Since the number of leads does not indicate how many of them will proceed through the buyer’s journey to make a purchase, it is important to obtain valuable leads that are more likely to convert into customers. The process of improving the closing rates of any business requires a set of actions tailored to your needs, specific audience, resources and team structure.

We start by designing or improving the value proposition for your company, then we create original content that represents relevant material to your potential customers. During this phase of the buyer’s journey, our strategy targets the best possible audience for your business, whose profiled characteristics are backed by market research, social media monitoring and industry knowledge.

Once we’ve provided users with the right, comprehensive information, including brilliant and captivating success stories about the company, your prospects are ready to move to the next phase: they’ve become qualified leads.

Now it’s time to give your sales team the right tools to close the purchase. Email nurturing, webinars and demos are just some of the tools we offer to finally get your prospects to choose you for your professionalism, value and ability to solve their problems.

Remember that people trust real people more than companies, so a well-trained and experienced sales team will make every lead a success for your revenue, creating a virtuous cycle for your company’s growth by increasing your close rates.


Comenzamos diseñando o mejorando la propuesta de valor para tu empresa, luego creamos contenidos originales que representan material relevante para sus clientes potenciales. Durante esta fase del buyer’s journey, nuestra estrategia se dirige a la mejor audiencia posible para tu negocio, cuyas características perfiladas están respaldadas por estudios de mercado, monitoreo de redes sociales y conocimiento de la industria.

Una vez que hemos proporcionado a los usuarios la información correcta y exhaustiva, incluidas historias de éxito brillantes y cautivadoras sobre la compañía, tus prospectos están listos para pasar a la siguiente fase: se han convertido en clientes potenciales calificados.

Ahora es el momento de darle a tu equipo de ventas las herramientas adecuadas para cerrar la compra. El fomento del correo electrónico, los seminarios web y las demostraciones son solo algunos de los instrumentos que ofrecemos para que finalmente tus clientes potenciales te elijan por tu profesionalidad, valor y capacidad para resolver sus problemas.

Recuerda que la gente confía en personas reales más que en empresas, por ello, un equipo de ventas bien capacitado y experimentado hará que cada prospecto sea un éxito para tus ingresos, generando un círculo virtuoso para el crecimiento de tu empresa al aumentar tus tasas de cierre.

Ask us for a free consulting session

A new approach to your sales team

Customers today are looking for more than just salespeople: they are looking for trusted professionals with authority in their industry. Now is the time to position your salespeople as true specialists.

Position yourself as an expert

If your company is struggling to close sales, you need to think of new strategies to get all your teams aligned and agree to achieve certain goals. For example, rethinking buyer personas or redefining conversion tunnels.

Reach new segments

After analyzing your sales situation, you will be able to adjust your new strategy to your vision and also to your company’s current situation.

Caso de éxito en marketing para clínicas dentales
Clínica Pronova

The objective was to continue increasing the number of visits in the long term and improving the qualification of its contacts so that they become real sales opportunities, through a sustainable and satisfactory system for the customer.

+287% First appointments
+339% Sales increase
Visits to website
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