Online notoriety and reputation

One of the most important challenges for any company is to gain notoriety in its sector. Preparing a solid content strategy that demonstrates our expertise to our target is key.

Being an authority in your industry is vital for any type of business today.

You’ve probably heard this statement before, but what exactly does it mean to be an authority and why is it so important?

It’s about leadership in your industry. When you are recognized as an authority, your ideal audience trusts you and your company, and this trust is a key element of return on investment (ROI). Being trusted also means working to gain credibility in your industry, focusing your efforts on being a known professional in your environment.

Traditional techniques for gaining authority, such as placing your ads on television, newspapers and magazines, involve a large financial investment and are outdated when it comes to the new market we are working in.

Improving your authority is a process that involves, in the first instance, knowing your audience. For this reason, our strategy starts first by monitoring the chosen channels where your audience is discussing, searching for information and solutions.

This monitoring consists of tracking potential customers on different online platforms to find out what they need, their challenges, desires and concerns. All the valuable information gathered will be used to develop your strategy and start gaining notoriety in your area.

The second phase is about being helpful by providing solutions, suggestions, learning material and advice. To get your message across and transform your public-facing image, we position your company through the most used channels, such as social media and blogs, through a content strategy based on trending topics in your industry.

We define segmented solutions targeted to your ideal customer types to have a greater impact on each of them, and we also keep monitoring to discover the efficiency of your strategy and audience reactions.

Gaining authority, ultimately, is about being reliable and useful. When users do their searches and find your company useful, they will begin to consider your products and services as trustworthy as your image.

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Position yourself as an authority in your sector

Discover the interests, desires and concerns of your customers by monitoring your social networks. Thanks to this operation, you can create content that solves your doubts and provides an educational value that will position you as a reference point in the market.

Create authentic campaigns

Thanks to the study of online audience behavior, it will be possible to find more opportunities to surprise your future customers by anticipating their requests.

Increase your chances

Growing your brand awareness will allow you to get new opportunities to generate potential customers, as you will be able to reach an audience that will be interested in the value you offer them. Become the company that customers will trust for their future purchases.

Caso de éxito en marketing para clínicas dentales
Clínica Pronova

The objective was to continue increasing the number of visits in the long term and improving the qualification of its contacts so that they become real sales opportunities, through a sustainable and satisfactory system for the customer.

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