Facebook statistics. What to analyze and how.

Do you know how to analyze your actions on Facebook within the social network itself? Today we explain everything you need to know about Facebook statistics.

The Facebook Statistics section will provide you with a lot of useful information to analyze your posts and their performance. If you publish but don’t analyze, how will you know if your work is paying off?

If there’s one thing Facebook has going for it, it’s that it continually strives to offer as many tools as its users need so that they don’t have to leave their own platform to make posts, schedule them and, as we’re talking about, analyze them.


Facebook wants to control everything that happens with your profiles and pages, so it offers you the option of dispensing with other software such as Hootsuite, for example. In the same way, Facebook will not favor you if you post YouTube videos on your fanpage. Facebook wants you to use its video publishing tool.

This social network wants everything to stay at home and gives you the tools to make it happen.

What are your objectives?

First of all, when working on a new social media strategy for your fanpage, you should set some objectives. What are you looking for? Increase fans?

Remember that quality is better than quantity. It is better to have 1000 quality fans, who really want to consume and share our content, than 5000 poor quality fans that sooner or later will stop following us. So? What are you looking for?

Create greater engagement among your fans is also a valid objective. In this way, you will increase interactions, the number of times your content is shared and, therefore, you will have a greater reach. How to increase engagement? By creating quality, topical and interesting content for your audience. This is the main key.

Organic interactions vs. paid interactions

Facebook very clearly differentiates the results obtained organically (without paying for ads from
Faceboook Ads
) and paid. This way, if you have worked with Facebook Ads, you will see both results differentiated in the publications you have promoted.

The social network par excellence wants you to be very clear that by working with Facebook Ads you can reach more users, get more interactions, etc.

Which publications work best? You should analyze it.

As you know, there are different types of posts. In general, these are: link post, image post, status post (text only) and video post.

Each audience will accept one or the other better. Each market is different and each target may consume one type of content better than another. But, unless we are talking about a very exceptional case, statistics show that audiovisual content is the one that works best.

Publications with video tend to have a much higher average engagement rate than other publications and, therefore, achieve greater reach. Give it a try!

By clicking on ‘Your most recent posts’ and, within this new screen, going to the ‘Types of posts’ section, you will be able to see which format most appeals to your audience and, therefore, act accordingly:


Types of publications.png


Difference between fans and followers

Although we don’t particularly like the word ‘fan’, this is how the users of this social network who have clicked ‘like’ on your fanpage are known. And note that we are talking about users who have clicked on ‘like’ and not ‘followers’, since they are not the same thing.

For a user to become your fan on Facebook, they must click ‘like’ on your fanpage. On the other hand, for this user to also be a follower, he/she must click on ‘follow’. It should be noted that a user can be a follower of your fanpage and not be your fan!


fans and followers.png


Fans vs non-fans

Surely you have seen that in some of your posts people interact with you who are not fans of your page or who do not follow you. This is possible because users who have their activity visible on Facebook, when interacting with your posts, show this activity on their timeline. Then, other users will be able to interact with that post instantly!

In the same way, if a user shares your post on their wall, their friends or followers will be able to interact with that post. Although these interactions on shared content will not appear on your wall post, you will be able to measure them! We explain how.

On the one hand, in the ‘Statistics’ section of Facebook you can see the reach of your publications according to your fans and non-fans. Click on view all your posts and choose the option ‘Reach: fans/non-fans’. Then, you will see the scope divided into two colors. As we can see in this image:


Fans not fans.png 

On the other hand, as mentioned above, you can see what interactions your post has had when shared. Click on any of your publications and you will immediately see the section with this information:


shared content.png

Trick! Those Facebook users who have reacted to your post but are not your fans, logically, are at the perfect time to become your followers. They have already interacted with you! So how can you invite them to follow you? Clicking on the reactions of your publication. Those users who are not yet your fans will appear with a clickable ‘Invite’ button on the right.


trick invite.png

According to statistics, it is much easier to get fans who have been invited in this way, because they already have you in mind.

Watch out! This trick will only work for those users who have reacted to your post (‘like’, ‘love’, ‘amused’, etc.) but not for those who have commented on it.

Scope. What it is and how to calculate engagement.

Reach is the number of people your publication has reached. That is, all those people who have seen it on their timeline and have had the opportunity to interact with it. As mentioned above, this reach is divided between fans and non-fans of your page.

Clearly, if we are reaching a very high number of users but they are not interacting with our publication, something is going wrong. To know if the number of interactions we have obtained with a publication is positive, that is, to calculate the engagement of that publication, we will use the following formula:


(no. of total interactions (reactions, comments and sharing) / reach) x 100


We will decide if the result is positive or negative according to the comparison with other publications of our fanpage. The goal is to keep increasing and improving.

Negative comments

Another point to take into account, although sometimes it is not given so much importance, are the negative comments generated by each publication. What do we mean by negative comments? In reality, it is not a text comment badmouthing our product or our publication, but the negative reactions triggered by that publication.

Negative comments are people who, from a specific publication, have decided to hide all our publications, stop following us, report us as spam or simply hide that publication.

What kind of information can negative comments provide us with? For example, that a particular post may have offended the sensibilities of our users, that the content shared is not of interest, etc. Each case must be analyzed separately.

Finally, I would like to mention that you will also find the Facebook ‘Publishing tools’ section very useful. As mentioned above, Facebook does everything possible so that its users do not have to leave its platform, so from your fanpage itself offers you a section where you can schedule your future publications, without having to use other software. The advantage? That Facebook offers a greater reach to those publications that have been programmed from its own platform.

Of course, there is much more data you can analyze from your fanpage. We’ll continue talking about it in another post!

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