Get inspired. The most original web examples.

You must get visibility, be different and connect with your audience... Need inspiration? Here is a selection of the most original web examples.
Ejemplos de páginas web:

1. What are the keys to successful web design?

The design of your website will be essential to capture the interest of your potential customers, but first you must know what are the strategic keys to make the design not only attractive but also effective.

Keys to success to attract potential customers.

  • Developing buyer personas. If you did not know, this step is essential for any digital marketing strategy, including the design and development of your website. After all, buyer personas are those consumers you are trying to attract, representations of your potential customers, which is why it is crucial that you work on developing their profiles first. Otherwise, how can you know what kind of website they prefer?
  • Developing the buyer’s journey. The buying cycle of your buyer personas will also help you with any online strategy. Think that in each of the phases of this cycle your potential customers will have different needs and preferences in terms of information consumption. Your job is to know what information related to your products and/or services will be interesting in each phase.
  • Web structure. The pages of your website have a hierarchy and at the same time belong to a framework of topics that will serve to position you and satisfy the information consumption needs of your buyer in each of its phases. Therefore, before designing or redesigning your website you should think about how it should be structured, that is, how the sitemap should be. This will give you an idea of which pages are more important, which ones need more visibility and positioning and what content you should create.
  • Page content. Essential for the positioning of the pages and to satisfy the information needs of your buyer persona. Content must be created for each page taking into account its value in the buying cycle of these buyer personas. In addition, the content is directly related to the organic positioning strategy or SEO.

Keys to success to boost conversions.

  • More content. We were not finished yet. And is that as with the buyer and if cycle, the content will accompany you in all digital strategies that you are going to implement, even those that serve for conversion. Think that if they are not interested in your content, they will not be interested in becoming customers. If you need more concreteness, let us tell you that downloadable ebooks are a great formula to get conversions from visits to contacts, with which you can work through other marketing techniques to feed their interest.
  • Conversion Paths. For them to access these downloadable contents you need to establish conversion paths that usually consist of a CTA, a landing page and a thank you page. Keep them in mind when you are going to design or redesign your website, because they are interesting elements to boost conversions, which after all, is one of the most important objectives of the web.
  • Other forms. In addition to the classic conversion forms such as newsletter subscription or contact forms (which are usually practically the same), you should also consider how pop-up forms could be when designing your website. What is the best location on the page and on which pages will they be located? What contact information will you ask for as opposed to other forms? What will you offer with them? What step will they consist of?
  • Chats or chatbots. Increasingly, these tools are becoming more and more indispensable when it comes to getting leads, that is, when it comes to incentivizing conversions. If you use software that allows you to include them, think carefully about how they will adapt with your design, especially those that are not 100% customizable.


2. What are the must-have requirements for creative websites?

  • Fast loading. There is nothing worse than keeping your visitors waiting. Your web pages must be optimized for fast loading, otherwise your bounce rate will increase.
  • Adaptability to all devices. Whether it’s a mobile first or responsive website you can’t help but keep in mind that many of your buyer personas will search through mobile devices.
  • Visual menu. One of the most important tools for the navigation of your visitors is the menu, this should be a representation of the structure of the web but, mainly, it should offer t
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