Olive oil marketing

We unravel how olive oil marketing in international markets helps producing farms to maximize their production and diversify their activities.
Marketing para aceite de oliva (foto: Finca Treurer)

Throughout this article, we will unravel how olive oil marketing helps producing farms maximize their production and diversify their activities, and how effective distribution strategies can elevate the perception and reach of olive oil in the global landscape.

Marketing in the olive sector and changes in the commercialization of olive oil in the last 40 years

From the 1980s to the present, marketing in the olive sector has undergone significant transformations, driven by technological advances, globalization and a greater emphasis on sustainability and differentiation.

1980s: the beginning of olive oil differentiation

In the 1980s, the primary sector began to realize the need to differentiate in an increasingly globalized market.

Concepts such as the denominations of origin (D.O.), which guaranteed the quality and geographical origin of the products, allowing consumers to identify and appreciate the unique characteristics of olive oil from certain regions;

1990s: rise of the superbrands and global expansion of olive oil

The 1990s saw the emergence of “superbrands” within the primary sector.

Branding techniques became more sophisticated and olive oil marketing campaigns began to highlight not only the quality of the product, but also its history, tradition and connection to the land.

2000s: digitization and e-commerce of olive oil

With the popularization of the internet, email marketing campaigns were initiated and specific e-commerce platforms for olive oil, adapting the sector to the digital world.

2010s and beyond: sustainability and experiential marketing

The emphasis on sustainability has led many brands to reassess their practices and communicate their efforts in this area to consumers.

In addition, experiential marketing has emerged strongly, with producers offering tours of their olive groves and tastings.

Knowing the customer in olive oil marketing;

Knowing the customer is a fundamental pillar of any marketing strategy, and the olive oil sector is no exception; Understanding the consumer needs, wants and behaviors is crucial to be able to offer a product that meets their expectations and thus achieve optimal positioning in the market.

Not all olive oil consumers are the same; Some are looking for oils for everyday cooking, while others may be interested in gourmet oils for tastings.

Determining these profiles helps to fine-tune marketing campaigns and the value proposition; It is vital to ask: Why do consumers choose a specific type of olive oil? Is it because of its taste, its origin, its price or for health reasons? Understanding these motivations can guide the creation of more effective advertising messages;

It is also essential to identify how often and in what contexts consumers use olive oil; An oil intended for salads may require different marketing than an oil used for frying;

In addition, establishing the right communication channels is essential to reach the customer effectively. It is necessary to ask: Where do consumers look for information about olive oil? In social networks, blogs, magazines or recommendations from friends?

Finally, at the global level, it is essential to take into account the tastes and customs of each country or region. In some Mediterranean countries, olive oil is a daily staple, while in other markets it may be seen as a gourmet product;

Understanding these differences and adapting both the product and the marketing message is essential for success in the international arena;

Marketing digital de agroturismos
Our success story: Finca Treurer

Treurer wanted to elevate its presence in the market and offer its customers an authentic and immersive experience in the world of extra virgin olive oil, fusing tradition with modernity;

The importance of defining and differentiating yourself in a confusing market

The world of olive oil is vast and can often be perceived as a confusing market by consumers;

Among the various varieties, different geographical origins and qualities ranging from extra virgin oil to regular olive oil, there is a maremagnum of options that can be overwhelming for those looking for the perfect choice.

In this context, a brand’s ability to clearly define itself and deliver a unique message is crucial. The definition involves knowing who you are as a brand, what your story is, what values you represent and what makes you special in the world of olive oil;

It’s not just about the quality of the product, but also the story behind it, the production process, the people involved and the legacy you want to leave behind;

It is vital to remember that, in a saturated market, consumers don’t just buy products; they buy stories, values and experiences; In the olive oil sector, where the objective differences between one product and another may be minimal in the eyes of the average consumer, the stories and emotions associated with a brand can be the deciding factor in the purchase decision.

Elaboración de aceite de oliva - Cosecha (foto: Finca Treurer)
Elaboración de aceite de oliva - Cosecha (foto: Finca Treurer)

The product in international gourmet markets

On the global scene, olive oil has conquered a prominent place on the shelves of the most demanding international gourmet markets; Here, where consumers are willing to pay premium prices for high-end products, the quality of olive oil is non-negotiable. These well-informed consumers with sophisticated palates seek culinary experiences that go beyond simple consumption; they seek authenticity.

In these areas, transparency and education are crucial. An educated consumer, such as the one who frequents gourmet markets, wants to understand the process behind each bottle; You want to know the origin of the olives, the varieties used, the harvesting and pressing techniques, and even the history of the farm or region where it comes from; This requirement raises the bar for growers and forces an unwavering commitment to excellence;

Brands that wish to thrive in international gourmet markets must therefore prioritize quality above all else; They should see it not only as a seal of excellence, but as a promise to the consumer that every drop of their olive oil is the result of unwavering passion and dedication;

International awards

In the competitive landscape of high quality olive oil, international awards are endorsements that convey the confidence of those who grant them; These awards are not just one of excellence; are powerful marketing tools that can open doors to new markets and consolidate a product’s position in the gourmet sector.

And they are directly reflected in the brand’s increased sales;

Elaboración de aceite de oliva - Almazara (foto: Finca Treurer)
Elaboración de aceite de oliva - Almazara (foto: Finca Treurer)

Key points in the international promotion of olive oil

The promotion of olive oil at international level requires a well-defined strategy oriented to the target public of each market; The following are the key points mentioned:

  • Presentación y packaging
    • Culturally appropriate design: It is critical that the packaging design is tailored to the target market. A design that may be attractive in Europe may not be so attractive in Asia;
    • Clear information: The label must include information about the designation of origin, health benefits and expiration date and comply with the legislation of the countries in which we wish to be present.
    • Versatile sizes: Offering different package sizes can meet the needs of different consumer segments.
  • Collaborations with chefs
    • Brand ambassadors: Renowned chefs can act as ambassadors for the oil, demonstrating its use in gourmet dishes and promoting its benefits. Together with the awards, they represent recognition and guarantees of quality;
    • International recipes: Collaborate with local chefs from different countries to develop recipes tailored to the palates and culinary traditions of each region.
    • Videos: Recordings of chefs using the oil in their preparations can be powerful promotional tools.
  • Consumer education
    • Quality differentiation: Not all consumers understand the difference between extra virgin olive oil and other oils. Education on this topic is crucial;
    • Health benefits: EOVE has unique health properties that should be communicated: cholesterol reduction, antioxidant properties, etc.
    • Culinary Uses: Provide ideas and techniques for using oil in various culinary preparations.
  • Digital presence
    • Social media: Platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook are ideal for showcasing engaging images and videos of the oil, recipes and chef collaborations.
    • Blogs: Educational articles about the history of olive oil, its benefits and tips for its use will help our customers solve their doubts and can position the brand as a leader in the segment.
    • E-commerce: Since many consumers buy groceries online, having an accessible and easy-to-use online store is essential.
    • Webinars: Convening chefs to help them understand the world of extra virgin olive oil, its benefits and striking techniques of use is a good idea to introduce us to certain segments.
  • Events and tastings;
    • Fairs and exhibitions: These events are ideal for reaching distributors, retailers and end consumers. It is important to have an attractive stand and trained personnel;
    • Sensory experience: Enabling consumers to taste the oil is one of the most effective ways to promote its taste and quality.
    • Workshops: Organizing workshops where consumers can learn about the oil and how to use it in cooking can build brand loyalty.

Complementing the olive oil business with other initiatives

The olive oil producing farm can coexist with a variety of complementary businesses that enhance its value and provide enriching experiences for visitors; These complementary activities not only diversify sources of income but also help to position the farm as a destination in itself; The most frequent are:


Rural lodges are an excellent way to show and educate guests about the olive oil production process and the importance of sustainable agriculture;

It is essential to ensure that agritourism areas are well separated from active production areas for security and privacy reasons;

Guided tours

Guided tours offer an educational opportunity to show the olive oil production process, from harvesting to pressing and bottling; They can include tastings and help increase direct oil sales;

Planning is essential to avoid disruptions in daily farm operations; It is necessary to have trained guides and established routes for the visits;

Gastronomic events

These events can include menus prepared with local products and wine pairings with local wines; They serve as an excellent platform to highlight the quality and characteristics of the olive oil produced on the farm;

Adequate facilities, such as a kitchen and dining areas, are necessary; In addition, it is essential to work with chefs and sommeliers who understand and respect the product;

Sale of local gastronomic products

The sale of other local products, such as wines, cheeses, sausages and preserves, can complement the olive oil offer and provide a more complete gastronomic experience for visitors;

Protip! It creates a community around the farm, the product and the family

Creating a community around the farm, the product and the family can be a powerful strategy for building consumer loyalty and engagement, as well as differentiation in the marketplace;

Do you want to know how to carry out these initiatives? Contact us;

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