Tips for video marketing success on social networks

Do you want to run a successful social media video marketing campaign? We try to help you how to use Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Traditionally,  when they told us “video“We automatically thought of YouTube, didn’t we? In the field of social networks, this is still the queen of videos but with bigger competitors. In addition, and as part of the Google empire, having videos on this platform undoubtedly helps our SEO positioning and, therefore, organic searches.


But don’t let this stop you. What about other social networks?


On the one hand, there is Facebook, the social network most known and used by users (according to IAB Spain). Zuckerberg’s site is changing the video landscape on social networks, gradually dethroning YouTube.

Brands are becoming more aware of the importance of publishing their videos directly on this platform, thus avoiding having to share the link from YouTube. Why?

1- On Facebook, more than 3 billion videos are consumed per day,  being mostly viewed from mobile platforms.

2- Videos uploaded directly to Facebook, have a higher quality viewing in the news feed, with the image larger than if linked directly from YouTube.

3- It offers complete statistics to track your publications.

4- It favors conversation and, therefore, its diffusion, since each user interaction increases your chances of expanding your organic reach. You may have seen on your wall that when a friend shares, follows or likes a post, it appears on your page. It would be great if it was your brand on there, don’t you think?

What are the minimum requirements for your videos on Facebook?

1- Due to the fact that its consumption is mainly from mobile, 85% of the videos are watched without sound. So, you should think about this before designing it, that the message is equally clear with or without sound.  In addition, it is recommended that its duration be no longer than 1 minute, since 80% of the videos that are watched from beginning to end have an average duration of 1 minute. 30 seconds.

2- Facebook now allows you to give your videos a title and a category. Use these features as tools for your SEO positioning, giving it some of your keywords.

3- Customize the thumbnail you want to be displayed in the news channel to make your publication more attractive.

4- If you want to increase the diffusion of your publication, mark it as featured content so that it has more presence.

Video marketing is essential in the world of social media.


This network is part of the Facebook empire and is one of the fastest growing social networks in recent years. And of course, our  brand can also be present.

Instagram also offers the possibility of video marketing campaigns, but be careful, as your content on this network must be more pampered, thoughtful and provide greater value. Remember, you only have 60 seconds to surprise and create engagement. Many analysts advise making Instagram-style tutorials: short, direct, prioritizing image quality and special content.

Tip: Get to know Instagram style first hand before jumping into it.


Twitter is another platform that is promoting the publication of native videos versus linked ones.  The contents most promoted by the social network are those adapted to mobile and of very short duration, about 30 seconds.

For this social network, what is currently triumphing  are GIFs, very short videos that liven up the posts. Take a look at the main accounts of your competitors, and you will see that you will most likely find this type of post.

Before posting your video on Twitter, you should trim the first few seconds of the video to prevent it from being previewed incorrectly.

You already know a little more about how to run a social media video marketing campaign, don’t you? Now it’s your turn! Plan and adapt your content, but above all, be creative.

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