
A complete marketing solution for clinics

A marketing solution for clinics that doubles first appointments. Inbound marketing, social media, online marketing. Marketing plan for clinics.

Gaining new customers is not easy, nor immediate, but we have a new marketing tool that allows us to bridge the big gap between large chains and our clinic: the Internet. The inbound marketing methodology allows us to reach the client whatever channel they use, adapting the message and the objective to the channel.

Is it possible to increase the first visits to your clinic? Can we do it in the short term? Absolutely, yes.

If you have a dental clinic, we recommend you visit the page on marketing strategy for dental clinics.

1. Results we will obtain from a correct medical marketing – Real cases –

The objective of the implementation of this methodology is to double the number of first visits that your medical center receives or to reach a number that allows you to ensure its viability (if it is a new clinic), with a minimum monthly turnover figure of 15,000€ coming from online marketing actions.

We always determine the action plan according to the SMART objectives (specific, measurable, realistic, relevant and temporary) that we define together.

2. Why aren’t enough first visits coming to your clinic

As has happened in so many other sectors, the environment in private healthcare has become much more competitive. New ‘players’ have appeared on the board more linked to financial sectors than to the practice of medicine, accompanied by investment capacity to create attractive physical spaces and rrrun major communication campaigns.

Internet has interrupted as an element that breaks the rules of the game. And to adapt to this new reality, the doctor must now be an expert in his or her field and, as an entrepreneur, in the techniques used for attracting potential customers to local businesses.

You should, at the outset, ask yourself if you find yourself in any of these scenarios

  1. It is possible that your clinic is lost in the tangle of proposals that reach your clients every day
  2. Your clinic is not perceived in a differentiated way:your proposal is the same as the rest of the proposals in your environment, so the only parameter for the patient’s decision is the price
  3. Your competition has implemented advanced systems for attracting customers and you still haven’t detected it or don’t know how to counteract it.

3. How can you increase first appointments to your medical center?

There will be channels where we will capture first visits and channels where we will build customer loyalty. Some will increase our reputation and others will help us to gain proximity.

To achieve a sufficient increase in first visits to my clinic you will need to

  1. Clearly define the quantitative objectives you are pursuing, in terms of quantity and time. This is what is called “SMART objectives.”

  2. To know in depth the type of patients that come to your clinic requesting medical services as well as those that you want to reach and the motivations for purchase and the reasons that make them eliminate you from the buying process.
  3. Deeply understand the elements that give your clinic its own personality.
  4. Translate all this to your online presence and be aware that you are investing in the creation of a stable customer acquisition system.

This system is not only a way to attract new customers, but also to attract new clients.

Attract and convince

If during the first phase of the purchase the customer seeks to have complete and truthful information about the problem presented to him, he will look for a source that gives him the greatest confidence. This same statement can be reversed, so that once he locates a source that gives him confidence, this will become the reference to obtain the information he needs during the purchase process.

Who does not want to become the reference for the buyer?

If so, we will open a channel that will allow us to answer the questions that the patient usually asks during the first and second phase. To do this, we will use a corporate blog, a living element, which will grow week by week, and which will give us visibility on the network (SEO positioning) and credibility with the patient.

Once we attract the patient, and we know that he is already in the third phase of the cycle, we will lead him to our website so that he will get to know and value our offer. And, in this way, end up requesting their first visit.


El plan de marketing para clínicas 

Ya hemos determinado que, conociendo el comportamiento a lo largo del ciclo de compra del paciente vamos a construir un sistema que satisfaga sus necesidades de información, que nos convierta en referente y que facilite la captación de pacientes (solicitud de cita).

Growth marketing para clinicas

Para el desarrollo del proyecto distinguiremos tres etapas

  1. En la primera, sentaremos las bases del desarrollo: estableceremos los objetivos del proyecto (recordemos, objetivos SMART), estudiaremos el perfil de tus clientes, definiremos los servicios prioritarios y determinaremos los diferenciales de la clínica.
  2. En la segunda fase, redefiniremos nuestro website, elaboraremos una nueva estructura de navegación, introduciendo nuevos contenidos y conversión path, que ayudarán al cliente a ordenar el flujo de información a lo largo del proceso de compra. Y realizaremos el setup de la herramienta tecnológica que nos dará soporte a los procesos.
  3. En la tercera etapa, desplegaremos publicaciones específicas para nuestros buyer-persona, la monitorización del posicionamiento orgánico en búsquedas y el cumplimiento de los objetivos definidos.


Una vez el proyecto en marcha, verás cómo el tráfico proveniente de motores de búsqueda hacia tus canales crece,  creciendo también la cantidad de primeras citas que llegan a tu clínica y su calidad. El cliente llega ahora más y mejor informado hasta tu clínica, lo que le permite tomar decisiones sobre la marcha, evitando la frase habitual ‘voy a pensarlo y le doy noticias’.

Podrás ver, al pie de esta página, un ejemplo en el que Clínica Pronova aumentó, en un plazo de 24 meses, un 285% las primeras visitas y contrataciones a través de su website.

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Caso de éxito en marketing para clínicas dentales
Clínica Pronova

The objective was to continue increasing the number of visits in the long term and improving the qualification of its contacts so that they become real sales opportunities, through a sustainable and satisfactory system for the customer.

+287% First appointments
+339% Sales increase
Visits to website
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