1. How to market a DMC in origin.
The Internet allows people far away geographically to know of your existence and be interested in your proposal. If you think about it, a few decades ago this was impossible. Although it is now possible, it is essential to reinforce certain values that are decisive in the relationship with your client. Today distance is not an obstacle when marketing strategies and technology are your ally.
In B2B and B2C, the keys to correct marketing at source are:
Trust – Reputation – Information
Accessibility – Transparency – Offer
The marketing mix of a DMC that wishes to sell at source must be focused on strengthening these values, working on certain techniques that facilitate its localization and offering content that differentiates it from its competitors and, above all, interests the visitor.
2. How a DMC inspires trust thousands of miles away.
Without a doubt, once our client has located us, the main value that we must transmit is trust. A traveler located thousands of kilometers away, who usually does not know the destination, needs guarantees that upon arrival he will not encounter an unpleasant surprise. Therefore, our first objective is to transmit confidence, not to convince them that our product is the right one.
How do we transmit confidence to our client?
Website. The website is the great showcase of a DMC on the Internet. If we think of physical stores, the difference between one business and another is its ability to order its products while making them attractive and easily accessible to consumers. Your website should also be simple. Do not use stridency in colors and shapes, large banners that appear abruptly or invasive offers. And most importantly, remember that your website is aimed at your target audience (either the end customer or originating agencies): design it to the taste of the consumers you wish to attract!
Data. Offer at a glance your contact details. Be sure to create a page where you show your tax and legal registration information. On the other hand, explain who you are, how many people make up your team, how long you have been providing services. It is important to be transparent and show your USPs (Unique Selling Points).
References. If you have worked with agencies in origin, include them in your website. If you are a B2C DMC, multimedia material will be a great ally to transmit confidence.
Opinions. You can include TrustPilot or other consumer opinion portals on your website. Try to use portals that are internationally recognized, especially those portals that are most used by your target audience.
Content. You must create specific content with consistency and patience. There is nothing worse than visiting a website or the social networks of a DMC and having the feeling that the content has been loaded in a hurry and without criteria, that is, that it does not provide any value for the user. It is essential to focus on their needs and doubts when creating content of value for your potential consumer, i.e., it must always be of an educational nature if your intention is to attract them.
3. La estrategia B2B o B2C define el marketing de una DMC
¿Tienes clara tu estrategia? ¿Deseas captar agencias emisoras en origen o eres una agencia que prefiere trabajar con el cliente final?
Debes tener en cuenta que mezclar ambos modelos tiene algunos inconvenientes. Por lo que si como algunos de nuestros clientes, aún estás en una fase de definición y no has decidido centrarte en uno de los dos, deberás ser cuidadoso y crear espacios dirigidos a cada uno de ellos.
Ventajas de definir tu modelo
- Si tu modelo es B2B, la agencia emisora no te verá como competencia. Piensa que es muy probable que, de elegir un modelo híbrido, asuman que podrías ser también su competencia directa. ¿Querrían referenciar clientes a una agencia en destino que puede ofrecer el mismo producto a su cliente?
- Si tu modelo es B2C, el cliente entiende que eres una agencia más cercana al viajero, con énfasis en la personalización de experiencias turísticas y un mayor cuidado de los detalles.
- En un modelo B2B, tu marketing girará entorno a tu fortaleza, la capacidad de gestión, fiabilidad, solvencia y competitividad en costes.
- En un modelo B2C, tu propuesta versará sobre el profundo conocimiento del destino, de los detalles que pasan inadvertidos a los turistas de masas, de la cercanía de tu personal antes, durante e incluso después del viaje y de la garantía de convertir cada experiencia en única e irrepetible.
4. Los 10 beneficios que aporta el marketing digital a una DMC.
- Incrementa el negocio con un ROI del 800%.
- Es un sistema sostenible a largo plazo.
- Ayuda a reflexionar sobre el modelo de negocio, objetivos y estrategias para conseguirlos.
- Coloca al cliente en el centro de la estrategia, ya que se adapta a las características, intereses e inquietudes de nuestros buyer personas.
- Realiza una efectiva presentación como expertos en el destino.
- Crea un sistema de generación de leads propio, no dependiente de intereses de terceros,
- Las oportunidades que se reciben tienen una tasa de cierre más alta, al estar el cliente informado y educado previamente.
- Aumenta la reputación en el sector, al ganar visibilidad y notoriedad.
- La valoración de la compañía crece, al disponer de un sistema de generación de negocio propio e independiente.
- A diferencia del marketing tradicional, medimos y conocemos cuáles son las acciones que generan retorno y en qué medida.
5. El plan de marketing de una DMC.
5.1. Diferencia tu DMC.
Si has oído una y otra vez esta frase, no es por capricho. Las DMCs tienden a parecerse, porque impregnan sus propuestas de la estética propia del destino y definen unos tours similares. Incluso es similar su nomenclatura, en muchas ocasiones, al incluir el nombre del destino en ella.
Busca tu propia personalidad más allá de tu marca, crea tu perfil corporativo que transmita con fuerza tus valores y haz que tus prospectos y clientes te asocien a ellos.
5.2. Identifica tus buyer-personas (tipología de clientes) y estudia sus intereses.
Reflexionar sobre las diferentes tipologías de cliente que tienes en este momento, más las que desees tener en un futuro, te dará ideas sobre:
Consultas (keywords) que realizan en los motores de búsqueda (Google).
Las preocupaciones asociadas el proceso de compra y la prestación del servicio.
Qué esperan obtener de una DMC.
Esta información será la base para la generación del contenido que facilitaremos al prospecto en cada una de las fases de la compra.
3. The B2B or B2C strategy defines the marketing of a DMC
Are you clear about your strategy? Do you want to attract outbound agencies at source or are you an agency that prefers to work with the end customer?
You should keep in mind that mixing both models has some drawbacks. So if, like some of our clients, you are still in a definition phase and have not decided to focus on one of the two, you will have to be careful and create targeted spaces for each of them.
Advantages of defining your model
- If your model is B2B, the sending agency will not see you as competition. Think that it is very likely that, if they choose a hybrid model, they assume that you could also be their direct competition. Would they want to refer clients to an agency at the destination that can offer the same product to their client?
- If your model is B2C, the client understands that you are an agency closer to the traveler, with emphasis on the personalization of tourism experiences and a greater attention to detail.
- In a B2B model, your marketing will revolve around your strength, management capacity, reliability, solvency and cost competitiveness.
- In a B2C model, your proposal will be about the deep knowledge of the destination, the details that go unnoticed by mass tourists, the closeness of your staff before, during and even after the trip and the guarantee of making each experience unique and unrepeatable.
- It increases the business with an ROI of 800%.
- It is a sustainable system in the long term.
- It helps to reflect on the business model, objectives and strategies to achieve them.
- It places the customer at the center of the strategy, as it adapts to the characteristics, interests and concerns of our buyer personas.
- It makes an effective presentation as experts in the destination.
- Creates a lead generation system of its own, not dependent on third party interests,
- The opportunities received have a higher closing rate, as the customer is previously informed and educated.
- Increases reputation in the sector, by gaining visibility and notoriety.
- The company’s valuation grows, as it has its own independent business generation system.
- Unlike traditional marketing, we measure and know which actions generate a return and to what extent.
4. The 10 benefits that digital marketing brings to a DMC.
5. The marketing plan of a DMC.
5.1. Differentiate your DMC.
If you have heard this phrase over and over again, it is not on a whim. The DMCs tend to look alike, because they imbue their proposals with the destination’s own aesthetics and define similar tours. Even their nomenclature is similar, in many occasions, by including the name of the destination in it.
Look for your own personality beyond your brand, create your corporate profile that strongly transmits your values and make your prospects and customers associate you with them.
5.Identify your buyer-personas (customer typology) and study their interests.
Reflect on the different customer typologies you have at the moment, plus those you wish to have in the future.
5.3. El website es tu principal canal de atracción.
Tu website es la primera impresión que recibirán tu prospecto. Crea un website que:
Recoja los intereses de tus buyer personas, las soluciones a aquellos puntos que generan preocupación presentes durante el ciclo de compra (pain points) y la propuesta específica que haces a cada uno de ellos.
Tenga una estructura sencilla y clara, para poder localizar con facilidad los contenidos de interés para el visitante y que sea fácilmente rastreable por las arañas de los buscadores.
Esté optimizado para SEO según las búsquedas que van a hacer tus prospectos.
Ofrezca información de calidad y valor para tus prospectos, es decir, que sea fácilmente consumible y, principalmente, útil en la fase de la compra en la que se encuentra.
¡No escatimes en crear un website de calidad, porque tus negocios de los próximos años pueden depender de ello!
5.4. Cómo atraer agencias emisoras – B2B.
En la mayoría de ocasiones, la agencia emisora no es experta en el destino en el que se encuentra la agencia DMC por lo que buscará una que sea capaz de demostrar su experiencia en el destino, su capacidad de gestión y que tenga un recorrido temporal que asegure su fiabilidad y solvencia.
Para ello, crea amplio contenido para ser reconocido como experto en el destino, contenido que la agencia consumirá en la fase de exploración o en la de consideración.
Ejemplos de ello pueden ser:
Por qué España es un destino perfecto para los amantes del vino (ebook en la fase de exploración).
Las 40 experiencias inolvidables de una semana en España (ebook en la fase de exploración).
Ventajas de contratar un DMC en España (ebook en la fase de consideración).
El Valle del Jerte en primavera (vídeo en la fase de consideración).
Prepara tu website para ser localizado por búsquedas como ‘dmc +destino’, ‘incoming services +destino’, etc…
5.5. Aprovecha el ciclo del viajero – B2C.
En general, las compañías turísticas concentran su relación con el cliente a partir de la fase de booking, cuando el cliente ha tomado la decisión del destino y el recorrido y actividades que quiere realizar. Sin embargo, tu DMC puede aprovechar los huecos que quedan durante las fases de dreaming y planning para llegar a tus clientes, que serán, generalmente, aquellos clientes dispuestos a gastar más para realizar un viaje personalizado de acuerdo a su preferencias.
5.6. Cómo vender experiencias personalizadas en origen.
Si quieres saber más sobre cómo vender experiencias personalizadas en origen, te dejamos este completo artículo que te explica cómo hacerlo.
63. B2B or B2C strategy defines a DMC's marketing
Are you clear about your strategy? Do you want to target outbound agencies at the source, or are you an agency that prefers to work with the end customer?
You should keep in mind that there are some drawbacks to combining the two models. So if, like some of our clients, you are still in the definition phase and have not yet decided on one of the two models, you need to be careful and create targeted areas for each.
Advantages of defining your model
- If your model is B2B, the sending agency will not see you as competition. Keep in mind that if they choose a hybrid model, it is very likely that they will assume that you could be their direct competition as well. Would they want to refer clients to a destination agency that can offer their clients the same product?
- If your model is B2C, the client understands that you are an agency closer to the traveler, with a focus on personalizing tourism experiences and greater attention to detail.
- In a B2B model, your marketing will revolve around your strength, management capacity, reliability, solvency and cost competitiveness.
- In a B2C model, your offer will be about the in-depth knowledge of the destination, the details that are not noticed by mass tourists, the closeness of your staff before, during and even after the trip, and the guarantee that each experience is unique and unrepeatable.
- It increases business with an ROI of 800%.
- It is a sustainable system in the long term.
- It helps to think about the business model, goals and strategies to achieve them.
- It puts the customer at the center of the strategy, as it adapts to the characteristics, interests and concerns of our buyer personas.
- It allows effective presentation as experts in the destination.
- Creates its own system of lead generation that is not dependent on the interests of third parties,
- The opportunities received have a higher closing rate because the customer has been previously informed and educated.
- Increases reputation in the industry by gaining visibility and awareness.
- The value of the company increases because it has its own independent system for generating business.
- Unlike traditional marketing, we measure and know which actions are generating revenue and to what extent.
4. The 10 benefits digital marketing brings to a DMC.
5. The marketing plan of a DMC.
5.1. Differentiate your DMC.
If you've heard this phrase over and over, it's not by accident. The DMCs tend to be similar because they imbue their offerings with destination aesthetics and define similar tours. Even their nomenclature is similar in many cases, incorporating the destination name.
Search for your own personality beyond your brand, create your company profile that strongly conveys your values and makes your prospects and customers associate you with them.
<a id="cta_button_2074697_4c7157e4-e253-455b-af99-ca59a5f665ce" class="cta_button " title="DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE TO CREATING YOUR OWN COMPANY PROFILE" href="http://amara-marketing.com/cs/c/?cta_guid=4c7157e4-e253-455b-af99-ca59a5f665ce&signature=AAH58kGabDalb1DPSms1BNSvjSOrGbAsDQ&pageId=10496209551&placement_guid=b4c5f370-f965-455f-ac91-d46606e0c7c0&click=a80d9f7f-f825-46ff-ba06-092b47f3cd10&hsutk=c44bf73a76d8fae16fefca796c36e79e&canon=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amara-marketing.com%2Fes%2Fsolutions%2Fmarketing-dmc&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amara-marketing.com%2Fes%2Fsoluciones%2Fsolucion-marketing-pyme&portal_id=2074697&redirect_url=APefjpGY1MPgCTXfsQEVNXVJ4qJrIXdHkV4Y9r-TM-WWCTe60lDVRMvJVR5JF0_aIw_PLp_Rj1Qy8gepJrgJ911lKunP_MOWc0IKmQIxB2nKulBrV821Euc98rI_FXZGfirscfhmjHDIWcQxSsFQ7HPXSo76I4dpyPDAkbgho7PIGtaXnkjklaSr_e9iqvjYJuE0xlVQNg2zqSaSAt8AyUmJABGMyDxhlupdjBCyaGB610-WhUr0CFWBe-a-QF28s-b4_3HhwfshzE0mT_AP-V1LwkBPzzaIOeSzOE3Ty0onyZEjITNN2HCrFfjBLHpip3qfzxj0PRYFopLc1OoUEen8h9PtqEwTA&__hstc=62294899.c44bf73a76d8fae16fefca796c36e79e.1679930191328.1680213144570.1680471268706.6&__. Ask us for a free consultancy session
El objetivo era seguir incrementado a largo plazo el número de visitas y mejorando la cualificación de sus contactos para que se conviertan en oportunidades de venta realesThe objective was to continue increasing the number of visits in the long term and improving the qualification of its contacts so that they become real sales opportunities, through a sustainable and satisfactory system for the customer.rong>, mediante un sistema sostenible y satisfactorio para el cliente.
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