Top 5 most read posts in 2016 by entrepreneurs and startups.

These have been the five most read posts by our readers. What has interested entrepreneurs and startups the most this 2016? Find out at the link.

Trends 2017. Your perfect content marketing strategy.

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 2017 will be a year when companies will really realize the importance of content marketing to achieve success and visibility online.

In this post, we told you what will be the content marketing trends for this new year. Interactive content, reaching a smaller niche market and co-creation of content are just three of the trends that we explain in more detail in the article.


The Fantastic 5. Improve the image of my SME in Mallorca.

Renovation is essential for your company. No matter how modern your products or your team are, or how innovative you have become, if your website, your logo and your corporate image say that you are old-fashioned, your potential customers will perceive it that way.

That’s why in this post we wanted to offer you the five fantastic tips to follow to improve your company’s image. Creativity, the reputation you create among your customers and the renewal of your website are three of the fantastic ones. Learn more at the link.

Get inspired. The most original web examples.

And you, how do you get inspired? Not by staring at the shrews, I’m sure. One of the best ways to get inspired is to see what others are doing. It is not about copying, but about improving what you see and awakening the muse of creativity.

In this post we made a selection of four of the most original websites. It’s about painting beyond the page, going outside the lines and staying in the minds of your target audience. Get inspired by these web examples and take a critical look at your website. Do you stay in the mind of the viewer?

Two web examples with Mallorcan seal: Pep Lemon and Teixits Vicens.

And it seems that the web theme has been one of the most sought after by our readers. And no wonder, a good website will decide whether or not your online presence has an impact on the conversions of your product or service. Does your website help you to sell? Does it represent your brand values? Is it useful for your target? Do visitors know how to navigate it, do they find what they are looking for?

In this fourth most read post we present you two good web examples with Mallorcan seal. The Pep Lemon and Teixits Vicens websites reflect the essence of both brands and highlight the most important aspects of their products and values.

What should a good logo design look like?

It seems that the logo of a brand has to appear at the same time as the company idea itself. And this thought is not completely wrong. The logo represents everything that the brand is, it is what the viewer sees and relates to the company.

That is why it is so important to have a good logo and to know when it is necessary to renew it. The logos are also outdated. In our fifth and last selected post, you will learn how a good logo design should look like. Does your logo meet all our requirements?

And finally, a little test to see if you’ve done well in 2016. Do your company’s online and offline identities go hand in hand?

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