Audio branding. The sound of your vacation experience.

One of the fundamental manifestations of branding is audio branding, the specialty that deals with the sound design of your hotel's brand.

When we talk about branding, we always say that it is the strategy in charge of defining the visual, emotional and
visual, emotional and communicative characteristics of your brand.
. In other words, branding is the creation of the universe that identifies what the brand is like, how it is known and how it is perceived. Within this universe, sensory branding is equally important.

One of the fundamental manifestations of sensory branding is audio branding, the specialty that deals with the sound design of your brand. From the sound of the vacation experience you offer. Therefore, the creation of your brand should not only be understood as a visual creation, but also as an audio-visual communication strategy.


But what exactly is audio branding?

Audio branding works by awakening one of the five fundamental senses to attract your potential clients: the auditory one. Obviously, sound design is not done in isolation, but is taken into account in the whole brand.

The sound of many of these brands will probably come to mind. Brands of technological products, foodstuffs, etc. Brands that you immediately associate with an experience. That is the goal of audio branding. The immediate emotional association, the generation of a memory.

And of hotel chains, could you define any specific sound? Not many hotels have yet incorporated audio branding as one of the branding techniques to define themselves, differentiate themselves and communicate. And why not be a trend setter?

He thinks that sounds and music started to be part of advertising and marketing of brands when the first radio spots began to be broadcasted. They are not something new, and even if you do not think of radio as a channel to publicize your brand, today there are many other channels in which sound is essential.

How can it be implemented?

Audio branding must be coherent within a comprehensive strategy. Obviously you are not going to think about channels that your potential consumers never go to, but those channels that are most likely to communicate with them. Today these channels may be social networks, but they are not the only ones.

Keep in mind that audio branding can be manifested for example through the same speakers in your corporate videos. Imagine that you always choose the same type of voice (male, female), with the same type of tone (low, high) and with the same type of speech according to the values of your brand.

Your hotel brand can also be identified offline if you always use the same style of music (e.g. to accompany your hotel spaces). Or if you have a specific melody in the moments of waiting in the calls to the reservation phone. And online if you build a sound palette on your website, just as you would build a brand color palette.

A very striking example comes from Bahía Príncipe. This hotel chain has created a unique melody for its videos. Melody that you can also listen to with lyrics when you phone one of their hotels.



The same type of rhythm is used in a very funny farewell video although the lyrics vary. But this is not just for a video, they also use it in their hotels. In addition, they have a
(the musical notes that accompany their logo) that appears in some corporate videos. In other words, your audio branding proposal helps you to build loyalty among your ideal consumers.

And how can it benefit your hotel brand?

Psychological studies have proven that the sounds we hear are associated with certain memories. It is therefore necessary to understand the impact that the sounds you include will have on the receiver. You don’t want them to manifest negative feelings, but you want your sound to be able to even manifest positive moods. And thus come to be associated with a particular vacation experience.

For that reason, audio has to be a constant in your brand identity. If you decide to use it, it would be confusing if consumers received different sounds. That is not to say that there are no variations or different versions. But you want your potential customers to identify you with a style, just like the visual.


Your brand must create emotions, awaken memories, inspire actions. It must provide value. A brand is not just a logo, colors and typography. A brand is much more than that. He thinks that today’s consumers are oversaturated with the visual impact of different brands. Today we know how to discriminate this visual information, but we are not as trained in how to discriminate sound. And that’s why audio branding can help your brand. 

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