The keys to successful hotel branding

Every hotel has to be different, special, memorable... And in order to distinguish your unique offer from the rest, the branding of your hotel is crucial.

Know your customers.

It is crucial that you understand who is the potential customer you want to attract and know how they communicate in order to reach them. Keep in mind that you should always be on any social media where your prospects spend time.

In addition, you need to strive to know what attracts your customers and why they would choose your hotel over your competitors. Don’t forget that, ultimately, branding is about meeting the needs of your guests.


Reinforces brand identity.

Your identity is a combination of visible, emotional and communicative traits. So as much as visual identity is important, so is your brand philosophy. So you have to take into account the consistency of each and every one of the elements that will make your hotel recognizable.

The logo, the tagline, the corporate colors, the values, the content… All these factors have to reflect and support the branding position of your hotel. They have to create emotions and present experiences that customers will always remember. You have to leave your mark, because they will be your hotel’s best brand ambassadors.

Get a memorable logo and slogan.

Both your customers and potential customers have to identify your logo and slogan with your hotel and its values. For that reason it is also important that they can easily recognize and remember them. Again, you must know your ideal clients well to know what their preferences are, in order to approach them with a logo and copy they can trust and feel identified with.

So try not to be subjective. Since we are talking about the preferences of your potential customers. Also, make sure they look and sound good. Otherwise you’ll get to hold back the ideal guest you wanted to attract.

Hotel branding - Six keys to success

Make your branding exportable.

Let’s say you have the opportunity to develop more hotels in other countries. In this case you should pay special attention to your slogan and its meaning. In fact, you have to make sure that both it and your logo are exportable. In other words, you will not create any conflict abroad.

Not all cultures have the same values or preferences. Don’t assume that your brand will work in every country. Investigate whether the visual elements of your hotel can be misinterpreted elsewhere. Keep in mind that a mistake of this caliber can ruin your reputation.

Take care of your online exposure.

Obviously, not all hotel chains have the same economic engine to carry out marketing strategies. However, thanks to the Internet, your hotel’s exposure has no barriers. Today you can reach your potential customers through multiple channels.

If you do not have sufficient means, focus your efforts on the network and social platforms that can make you known. Don’t forget that for this you need to establish a content strategy, with a copy that represents the identity of your hotel. Branding is not only a visual feature, but also an emotional and communicative one.

Highlight your differences.

Last but not least, remember that your hotel has to highlight its differences. Each hotel has characteristics that make it special and distinguish it from the competition. Enhance these characteristics and make them your forte. Focus on creating consistent and relevant content on any platform where you can communicate with your customers. Keep in mind that your entire marketing campaign has to be synchronized to attract customers. 


Don’t forget that you always have to be credible to meet your guests’ expectations. You also need to make sure that any promises inherent in your hotel’s identity must be kept. Therefore, you must know your hotel well and know how it makes your customers feel.



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