Do you know how to increase your ferry company’s online sales?

Do you want to be more efficient and improve your return on investment through your ferry company's online channel? We show you how to increase your sales.

This ‘digital transition‘ includes several steps and elements that point in one direction: consolidating an online channel to boost sales. But it is not enough to create an attractive website, because it must be user-friendly and intuitive. And not only that, since it is also necessary to work on keywords, URLs, content, languages, etc. And there are still many things to manage.

So, many companies think they have mastered their digital transition efficiently, but they have not really reached the end. And if this is your case, to obtain maximum efficiency and improve ROI, you need to further develop your business positioning and consider working with a platform that allows you to perform Growth Marketing.


Let’s see the different steps to follow.


A conversion-oriented web design

Your website is a fundamental online channel, remember that this is the image of your business. Therefore, the design must be user-friendly and must correspond to the values shared by your company. In the case of ferry services, a rough website with uncoordinated colors and shapes can be interpreted as a lack of organization and, therefore, discourage consumers from buying your tickets.

It is also essential to work the UX (user experience) on your website so that navigation is intuitive and the customer has the best experience with the least possible effort. An experience that should drive the conversion of your web visitors to leads (sales opportunities), or even better in final customers.

For this, it is essential to innovate and propose an attractive design. The usability elements must be strategically placed to allow visitors to reach the conversion objective defined for each of the published pages: book and buy with a few clicks, easily subscribe to your newsletter, subscribe to a loyalty program or offers, etc.

Finally, remember that the lifespan of your website generally varies between 2 and 3 years, so it is important to update it. You don’t want to be behind your competition, right?


Inbound marketing

It is important to have a website with a good development and design, but it is even more necessary to attract qualified traffic. And precisely Inbound marketing consists of attracting this traffic: your ‘target customer’. But how do these ideal customers reach your website? By creating the right content based on the traveler’s journey of this potential customer (your buyer persona).

The tourism sector is one of the industries in which Inbound can be applied in the most efficient way. This methodology consists of naturally attracting your target audience. By creating content that is interesting and relevant to your potential customers and offering solutions to meet their needs, you exponentially increase your chances of being found on Google. But remember that your content should always be educational, i.e. it should not be promotional, at least as far as your blog articles are concerned.

For example, a tourist who wants to go on vacation to Greece will probably research the best islands to visit, right? If you write about the ten most beautiful islands in Greece you will be generating relevant content for this tourist. These travelers when they find your website are more likely to convert into sales opportunities or even customers.


The main advantage of a website as a sales platform is that it can attract customers from all over the world and at any time. Take advantage of that! In the tourism sector, it is essential to offer at least an English version of your website. You can create other versions adapted to the language of your most important customers (Italian, German or Spanish).


Search Engine Optimization

When writing posts on your blog, it is also essential to apply what is called SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This process consists in optimizing your website so that it appears in the first pages of search engine results such as Google (known as SERPs) and is therefore visible to more potential customers.

First, it is important to define the profiles of buyer persona (these ideal travelers of our business). What do they consist of? A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of a buyer persona.

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