Improve your website bookings through UX.

Here are ten characteristics that your website should have. They are simple and highly logical. If you pay attention to all of them, they may lead to improved bookings.

Our mission is to improve our users’ experience. If we make them feel good, comfortable and satisfied while they navigate through our space, the conversion or repeat visit to is much easier to achieve.


There are several factors that determine this sensation. There are tangible and intangible .

  • Tangible and design-related: searchability, usability, hardware, software, content quality, graphic design…
  • Intangible and sensation-related: content arrangement, the confidence it conveys, values …

Improve Hotel Reservations - Get to know UX

And you may be wondering, what can I do and how can I improve my hotel website to increase direct bookings? Here you have 10 characteristics that your website must have. They are simple and, many of them, extremely logical. But if you pay attention to each and every one of them, they may lead you to improve reservations.

  1. Flexibility and efficiency of use.

  2. Aesthetics and pleasant design.

  3. Avoid distractions or annoying publications.

  4. Easy to use. Overwhelming logic.

  5. Simplify the booking process as much as possible.

  6. Clear visibility. Ideal font size between 12 and 14.

  7. Intuitive interface.

  8. Avoid excessive text. A picture is worth a thousand words and a video is worth a million.

  9. Facilitate navigation on tablets and smartphones.

  10. Never, ever, take the Internet user to a path of no return. Provide the option to open a new tab or return to the home page.

In this website, you will find interesting contents that may be of help to you. But if you really want to improve your hotel bookings, we recommend three basic factors.

First of all, all tourism-related websites are crying out for persuasive, inspirational content (remember, photos and videos are a very good resource). Secondly, you have to be very clear that your goal, your main objective, is that the users of the website book, right? Your mission is to make the booking option as easy as possible . So much so that even a child can do it. And finally, we believe it is important that you highlight the opinions of satisfied customers. You know, a satisfied customer is the best advertising.

The Internet makes it easy, take advantage of it.

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