3 new smartphone trends for 2016

The cell phone is the winning horse in technological devices. The most important smartphone trends for 2016 are nowadays, without a doubt, the most popular ones.

But smartphones still have a long way to go. Perhaps this year that we have just started will be the one that marks the turning point and all small stores will support mobile payment. Can you imagine that next New Year’s Eve this technique will be so popular that the two billion users of this device will be able to go out leaving their wallets at home? It is clear that we have a long way to go, but there are things that already exist to which we must adapt. These are the smartphone trends in 2016.

  1. The video-mobile According to global telecommunications company Cisco, based in San Jose California, mobile data traffic grew by nearly 70 percent in 2014, 55 percent of it is spent on videos. As mobile video grows, so does mobile video advertising. In this regard, Google recently announced that it will incorporate video ads into search results. This trend is reinforced by the fact that advertisers are creating a new video-phone-specific ad format of less than 15 seconds in length to work with apps such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and SNAPCHAT. To all this, we must add the great novelty of 360-degree videos, providing users with a more advanced level of immersion in the information.

  • Smartphone marketing On mobile devices, location becomes the new cookies. Our cell phone knows everything and, moreover, it knows exactly where it is. Therefore, it can offer us really valuable information in space/time. IT automation in marketing, until recently, was a clause required of large companies. Nowadays, it has become a must for marketing actions in small and medium-sized companies. Do you know how valuable it is to receive information from a hotel when you have just landed in… Palma de Mallorca? Or information on a good-nice-cheap restaurant at 8 p.m. just a hundred meters away from your location? Today, advertising can come at the right time and the right place.

    Smartphone Trends

  • Smartphone-specific ads After allowing adblockers (those evil, terrifying tools you install in your browser to block ads), IOs9 proved the obvious: traditional online ads don’t work on smartphones. If you want to be visible on the Internet (that is, if you want to survive) you must plan your campaigns taking these devices into account and base your strategy on Mobile Advertising, that is, on advertising media optimized for mobiles, whether they are applications (Apps) or Mobile webs Cell phones are trend-setting and say a lot about their owner. They are one more accessory, or rather, a key complement that is already part of the “clothing” of each person. It’s more than a watch or sunglasses. Also think that it is a tool that allows you to get in touch with each of your customers or future customers… Don’t you think it’s fantastic? Take advantage of it. Technology is on your side, on your business side and on your marketing side. Make the most of it and squeeze the most out of it.

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