15 freemium marketing tools for SMEs

1. WordPress

WordPress es uno de los CMS gratuitos más útiles que vas a encontrar par

1. WordPress

WordPress is one of the most useful free CMS you will find for the development of your content strategy. It became especially … Leer más

New trends in video marketing for your hotel

As we have reiterated on many occasions, content is fundamental to feed each and every one of the strategies carried out by your tourism business. Content helps us to attract new and regular users by providing the necessary information (inspiration, … Leer más

What is tourism marketing today?

What is tourism marketing?

Tourism marketing is the set of strategies and actions that can be carried out by the different businesses working in tourism with the aim of publicizing their products, services and experiences, so as to achieve … Leer más

How to attract the clients that matter to your clinic

We know that existing, repeat patients account for more than half of a clinic’s customer base. However, you also need a continuous flow of new customers to keep the sales funnel active and compensate for the loss of patients.

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